Trip plans, dinner

Mar 09, 2009 21:47

I've finished booking my vacation to Maryland, hotels and all! Because I am BRILLIANT, I booked the trip during Easter. Oops. So we were considering trying to stay with Dade's family but we decided not to bother them. It's okay. It's our 10th anniversary, we should have a hotel.

kmessner schooled me on using Priceline in chat awhile back, so I got over my initial fear of using it and got us a swank-o looking Sheraton in Towson for $59 a night. I am so excited. Dade and I have never been out of the state together before, unless you count an anime convention in Atlanta a looong time ago. (And I don't...) So, the whole itinerary is:

Fly into Hagerstown 4/6 and stay there for the night
Drive to western Maryland for 2 nights to see pretty hills and ride the train
Spend the rest of the week at fancy cheap Sheraton, then drive back to Hagerstown Monday morning to go home.

If anyone lives around there and wants to meet up, let me know, I don't know if I can arrange or not but it's worth mentioning.

Tonight I was hungry and craving veggies. So I made this:

It's a cream of cauliflower soup with truffle oil and parmesan cheese, and a salad with chickpeas, olives, cherry tomatoes, shallot and parsley with olive oil and red wine vinegar.

So simple, so delish!

food, travel

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