communication needs to be...

Jul 20, 2007 20:08

...a two way street... or something as equally cliche ( Read more... )

live journal, communication

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Comments 66

brak55 July 20 2007, 23:32:29 UTC
You are absolutely right.

I know that I post some things that get zero comments (usually just family things) and some that get hit quite a lot. I normally just see it as whether the posting was in the least bit interesting to the general readership.

I do try to comment in others, but the fall into two categories. Either they are some sort of snarky wise-ass comment meant to entertain (and not offend) or they are serious comments and those tend to be less frequent as a) I want to make sure they are well thought out, b) I'm unsure that what I have to say would really be relevant to the poster and c) I don't want to come off as just being an empty "supporter" (you know, things like *hugs*).

...and by that last sentence, you can probably see that I was once a technical writer.


f_l_i_r_t July 26 2007, 10:29:11 UTC
I think people often stay away from commenting on family stuff out of respect. I know I don't get too involved with peoples day to day, I got up, I went here, did this etc kind of posts. I figure those kinds are just people recording stuff for themselves. Probably wrong assumption, not sure.

Nothing wrong with a 'hug' now and again, a 'hug' is better then silence.

I appreaciate anything that you share, and I read and comment on what I feel I have something to add or share or joke about and just read and appreciate the one's I don't comment on.

We all have our different comfort zones when it comes to live journal, I respect that.


jvmatucha July 21 2007, 00:09:31 UTC
Sometimes you just have to get tough:

I like making the whippy noise too. Wha-chii! :)


f_l_i_r_t July 26 2007, 13:29:41 UTC
Ha, too funny...I like a good whip noise myself.


slyyder July 21 2007, 00:13:25 UTC
its like anything in life, karma, whatever you want to call it... you get what you give... I know theres been periods where I havent posted or commented much, and got the same in return... and likewise when I have... now thats not always the case, sometimes you'll post away like crazy and not get much feedback, and vice versa... as you said, sometimes life bites us in the arse and stops us... but in general, it balances out...

*hugs and smooches* you and I though have now known each other long enough and well enough to know the score, and think or at least hope it would take a lot longer than just a quiet period to slow us down or stop us ;-) lol


f_l_i_r_t July 26 2007, 13:28:00 UTC
True friends are true friends even when communication lessens, we know we are always out there for eachother. Glad to have you here, always.


(The comment has been removed)

f_l_i_r_t March 24 2008, 03:42:36 UTC
Yeah, it is nice to feel that people on your journal actually know you well enough to not take your absence personal. To know your intentions and appreciate what is shared vs what is not, so to speak.

Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts and my apologies for taken a gazillion years to respdond - truly sorry. You and your friendship mean a lot to me. *hugs*


cat_the_knife July 21 2007, 00:46:33 UTC
Well said! I'm also trying to get back into making a conscious effort to be on Live Journal communicating with my friends on a daily basis. It's just a matter of forming the habit again, you know?

I'm also long overdue for a friends cut of my own. There are people on my friends list that I never hear from anymore, or that I honestly don't know that well even though they've been on my list forever. Cutting dead weight from the friends list definitely makes it a less daunting task to stay on top of.

: )


f_l_i_r_t July 26 2007, 10:31:51 UTC
Til this comment I don't think I have seen you comment in anyone's journal, is that just something you normally don't do? ...a deliberate choice? *curious*

I do believe it is important to keep your friends list filled with people you are interested in and feel some connection on some level with. Mutual interest in eachother makes for a more interesting journal experience.

Good luck.


cat_the_knife July 26 2007, 16:34:46 UTC
Not really... it just depends. Sometimes I'm just not on here very much... especially these days. When that happens, I have days where I have a lot of catch-up to do in one day or something, and that's when I comment less. By the time I do comment, if I commented that time, I'm usually one of the last ones.

Then there are just times when I don't feel I have anything to add. I tend to like to say something with body when I reply. Then there are other times when I'm feeling very talkative and reply to almost every entry on my friends page. I always read though regardless. It's rare that I actually miss entries altogether.

: )


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