communication needs to be...

Jul 20, 2007 20:08

...a two way street... or something as equally cliche.

Over the last week or so I have seen a few people talk about being disconnected from live journal. I have seen a few others talk about how they never get comments. And I have seen a few say they read others but don't comment for various reason. Over the last few months I have noticed a huge hush fall over live journal, at least in the circles I am privy to. I think life is really kicking a lot of our arses. I think a lot of people have stopped commenting or participating because they don't feel like anyone is reading, or listening because no one seems to be commenting.

Bottom line...

If you don't comment on other's journals they most likely won't comment on yours.

Whether that seems childish or not, it seems to be the nature of live journal. People like feedback. Honestly, why would anyone have a public journal with a friends list and commenting capabilities if they didn't want to hear from and communicate with other people? They wouldn't.

No one ever expects anyone to comment on everything they have written but once in awhile is necessary to maintain that connection, mutual communication.

So, when things get so quiet in my journal that I can hear the crickets chirping I know it is because I have not been active enough in my friends lives/journals. There will always be those who might be too shy or to worried or just too self-centred to bother posting in other's journals and I guess you/I need to decide if that is ok and accept people for what they can or can't offer. I have a few people that never comment in my journal and seldom in anyone's but what they have to say is of enough interest and importance to me that I keep them around. Would I like them to take an interest in what I have to say, of course, but, that is not going to happen, I accept this, I aceept them as they are.

Im general, I make an effort to engage in some form or another with the majority of my friends list. Obviously the amount of interactions ebbs & flows. You are all here because to me you are important, interesting and worth getting to know. I have had a few quiet months due to personal stuff, but I am trying to reconnect again.

I would like more interaction (comments), but I know I have to give more comments on a regular basis to get more. This is not about wanting to be popular or wanting to be the centre of attention, it is just about engaging with others - connecting - forming closer friendships - communication.

I have decided to finally let go of some people that have been on my friends list. This is mostly due to the fact that there is no effort on their part or my part to communicate with eachother. It is nothing personal, I just want my journal to be more alive and to have people around that genuinely are interested in getting to know me and also in allowing me to get to know them.

live journal, communication

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