[OOC] Permissions meme!

Nov 25, 2007 13:02

Name: Fiore
Age: Physically 15-16. Chronologically 25-26, arguably either 10 or 4. But physically 15-16, according to the mangaka.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Dark brown.
Height: Not sure! She's shorter than basically everyone except Azmaria and possibly the same height as Shader (I forget), but I don't know the exact stats.
Weight: Uh. Average? Don't know the exact stats.
Medical Info: Dead due to exsanguination. There's more detail to it than that, but if camp's magical medical records (and legal records and whatnot) just list her as dead, I'd be amused. :D

Can I shapeshift/bodyswitch/spit at/step on/etc?: Contact me if you want to bodyswitch, but I'm fine with the rest!

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Fiore is only a touchy person around Master Joshua, but she's used to being badtouched, so go ahead. Just keep in mind that if she doesn't like you, she's probably going to object. (Also she might dodge if it's a real problem; she effectively flash-steps in one scene, I'd call that fast.)

Maim/murder/death: I'd appreciate some kind of warning, or at least a chance to ICly dodge attacks (see above)? That said, taking off limbs and/or trying to kill her is totally fine; she canonically puts herself back together, so! Death is kind of complicated; I'm sure she can die, I'm just not sure how. Also, keep in mind that Joshua will probably kill you in the face if he finds out.

Emo/angst/drama: Sure! Zen maid is zen. Not a lot makes her emo, but she's got practice dealing with other people's emo.

What's okay to mention around him: Zen maid is zen. Please don't bring up real spoilers for the last few volumes -- but if you have to bring it up to anyone in the CC cast, Fiore's probably the best pick. I'd also rather not deal with the Satella stuff until we get a Satella in camp.

Physical traits: Nothing unusual at a glance, except maybe that she always wears the bondage collar and cuffs. ALWAYS.

To those who have special senses for that sort of thing, Fiore is a corpse. It's not actually obvious otherwise -- Fiore has to explain it to people in canon. She's animated by the power of demonic magic technology, which may ping some people. Her earring is also a jewel that she uses for magic -- I don't think it's innately magical itself, but, again, special senses may get pinged. (And she should be carrying at least one other jewel on her person, possibly two or more.)

Abilities: Lots and lots of maid skills, rapid healing from even ridiculous wounds, possibly above-normal speed and strength, "jewel summoning"/jewel magic that does pretty much whatever the plot wants it to.

Secrets: The Satella thing is the only one that's really her secret, although she's not going to advertise that she's dead either. Everything else is Joshua's secret and/or the Sinners' secrets.

Note to psychics: Fiore is pretty quiet in her head, and her normal thoughts are pretty mundane -- cooking, cleaning, taking care of people, etc. She may occasionally think in German, especially if she's using magic; I'm fine with camp translating or leaving it as-is. Joshua is always on her mind.

Cooking: Fiore is an awesome cook, and will probably feed you if you ask her! Or if you just seem to need it! (Mess hall staff, I'll probably want to poke you sometime -- I don't think she'd work there, but she'll definitely be signing up to cook during off hours a lot, and might volunteer for big days like Thanksgiving.)


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