Thu, 03:27: RT @ LilNasX: i’m starting to think you niggas gay too cuz yall stay on my dick
Thu, 03:32: Karma is kicking DaBabys ass 😭 It's what the abuser deserves ✨
Thu, 03:42: RT @ Simone_Biles: the outpouring love & support I’ve received has made me realize I’m more than my accomplishments and gymnastics which I n…
Sun, 15:51: RT @ LilNasX: y’all be silent as hell when niggas dedicate their entire music catalogue to rapping about sleeping with multiple women. but w…
Thu, 21:23: Not me sleeping on Hope World for three years 😢 Honestly I havent read the lyric translations yet (except Daydream and Blue Side) but I absolutely love the vibe of P.O.P