Top Five Alex/Bobby Scenes

Aug 07, 2009 18:09

surreallis did a top five mem on G/E moments. She invited me to make my own. 
Okay, these are only some of the best Alex/Bobby moments. There are simply too many of them to count, but 
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alex/bobby, law and order: ci

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Comments 10

daystarsearcher August 8 2009, 05:41:20 UTC
Aaaargh! Cannot see the pretty (I assume) pictures! :(

But I totally agree with the cuteness of all those moments. I masochistically watch the Letter Scene of Angst over and over. (I was not regularly watching the show back then, so I had to wait for 'Purgatory' for my "kick in the pants" moments.)


eyesarmslove August 8 2009, 14:26:26 UTC
Purgatory offered my fourth "kick in the pants" moment. Lol, 2nd was Blind Spot and 3rd was Amends. Awesomeness.

I think I fixed it! Let me know if you can see them. LJ is still a little new to me...


daystarsearcher August 8 2009, 17:59:36 UTC
Yup! And they are indeed pretty! :)


surreallis August 8 2009, 12:44:40 UTC
Haa! I love all these scenes! Oh man, the memories... It's amazing when you really look at this show to see how many scenes there actually are, of partner love.

Also, yeah, your coding is effed up somewhere. I can see the jpg names, but they're not coming through as pics. Did you use html (with the img src tag) or rich text?


eyesarmslove August 8 2009, 14:29:23 UTC
I think it's fixed. Let me know if you can she the mass pictures of partner-hotness.

It's amazing when you really look at this show to see how many scenes there actually are, of partner love.

Seriously. Congrats to the writers on keeping us hooked on this show with scenes that take less than 45 seconds. That's talent right there.


surreallis August 8 2009, 15:05:30 UTC
Yes! I can see them now! Awww... SO GOOD. God, the way Bobby always looks so hang-dog when Eames isn't there, or he knows she's going away.

Remember in Silencer, when the detective who knew sign-language was all over Alex. And she was not opposed. And Bobby was absolutely disgruntled over it. That one scene, where Eames and Peter are doing something for the case together, and Bobby is sitting at his desk waiting for them, AND STARING AT HER EMPTY CHAIR. And it's not like she's freaking gone for weeks. She's just not with him for an hour. She's with another detective, working the case, and he's pissy about it.



eyesarmslove August 8 2009, 23:53:34 UTC
And it's not like she's freaking gone for weeks. She's just not with him for an hour. She's with another detective, working the case, and he's pissy about it.

I KNOW! OMG! I remember thinking that Bobby was slightly pathetic, but who wouldn't be if it's Alex we are talking about.


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eyesarmslove August 24 2009, 13:37:19 UTC
sometimes I pretend that it's Bobby's baby

Totally with you on that one. It looks big enough to be Bobby's baby!

I don't know if it was the make up or the lighting or what, but she looked absolutely STUNNING during her pregnancy. I guess she was really happy.

*sigh* I love her...


eyesarmslove August 24 2009, 13:39:40 UTC
PS - I absolutely ADORE your icon. So awesome.


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