Top Five Alex/Bobby Scenes

Aug 07, 2009 18:09

surreallis did a top five mem on G/E moments. She invited me to make my own. 
Okay, these are only some of the best Alex/Bobby moments. There are simply too many of them to count, but 
surreallis has some great ones. Here are some of mine:

1. The letter: How many of us had our faith restored in the show by that episode? I know it was a kick in the ass for me. KE's performance on the stand was nothing short of breathtaking:
Alex sees the letter

Right away, we knew something was wrong, and then we see this:

Alex: blah, blah, blah, question his judgement and mental stability, blah, blah

*cries* Alex: (with tears in her eyes (and voice!)!) I want to explain.

Alex: Blah, blah, blah, effective police officer and great man.

Then outside the courtroom:

Alex: Bobby, I'm sorry. I should have told you about the letter.

Bobby: I am an acquired taste (turns to leave)

Bobby: (This is the biggest truth he has ever told on the show. BIGGEST. TRUTH.) I'm lucky you withdrew your request. 
Complete with eye sex

2. Alex after she tells the captain about her pregnancy. So freakin' cute.
Bobby (much like a teenage girl, runs to Alex, wanting to know what just happened with the headcheerleader and the principal): So, what did he say?

Alex: He hugged me.

Bobby no happy. Then, Alex: And he told me, when it was time, he'd find you a new partner.

Bobby: *blank* Aww, I completely forgot about that.

Bobby: Well, what did you say?

Alex: I told him that I pitied the fool.

3. A Person of Interest. Bobby has just found out that evil-psycho-bitch was behind it all.

Bobby: She picked a man that I already didn't trust.

Bobby: She picked a man like my father.

Bobby: She got me. 
Alex: Then let's get her back

The fact that she went to him and the way she let him know that they were united in this, unlike how they were earlier that episode. SO GOOD.

4. This scene is from Alex's pregnancy leave, when she doesn't actually leave. Bishop is talking about different transactions made by the suspect. The numbers are strange, $220 or $440 a night.
Alex: ATMs at strip clubs charge 10%, so a $200 lap dance will cost you 220.

Bobby: (to Bishop) See what you miss not working in Vice.

The entire pregnancy offered so much insight into their partnership and how much it meant to Bobby. I LOVE how he'd compare Bishop to Alex ALL. THE. TIME.

5. The scene will always make me laugh. Dr. Jackass kept trying to hit on Alex and show off his "ideal" male form. Alex was having none of it. Neither was Bobby, who kept trying to shield his partner from the sight. He literally placed himself in between the two. I love, love, love this scene.

Bobby cannot believe this guy's audacity and Alex looks like she wants to smack him. Great.

There you have it, folks.  

alex/bobby, law and order: ci

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