Writing Help?

Jun 10, 2010 15:17

 Hey peeps!

Okay, I've been trying to finish three fics in the past week, but have been unable to. It's not an idea issue, its a confidence issue.

A very lovely, incredibly sweet anon posted about my Finn/Kurt friendship fin on glee_anon a week ago. The post got some replies that had to do with my writing. I love it, I really do. I am in serious need of con_crit, because my stories aren't that good and I would love to improve.

SO, dear friends of mine, could you possibly comment with things that you have liked/disliked about my fics and anythings you think I should work on. BE HARSH, I NEED IT!

Please, please, please feel free to express anything and everything. Anon commenting is on and IP is off. I really will only love you for commenting.

Thanks lovelies! 

fic, help

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