cecilegrey's Hey Arnold Masterlist

Feb 02, 2010 21:05

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drabbles & shortfic
full-length fic
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drabbles & shortfic
And This -- Stella/Miles, R, 100
Anything You Say -- Arnold/Helga, PG, 174
Away -- Helga/Rhonda (pre-femslash), PG, 340 (Warning: AU)
BIG DAY -- Curly/Eugene, G, large image
Boyish Anticipation -- Curly/Eugene, G, 513
Christmas 1988 -- Grandpa Phil, his family, assorted boarders, G, 580
Counting Down -- Arnold/Helga, PG, 205
The Crazy Ones -- Rhonda/Curly, PG-13, 580
Distraction -- Arnold, G, 204
Expedition Permission -- Stella/Miles, light NC-17, 391
Green Christmas -- Stella/Miles, G, 694
Good Luck -- Curly/Eugene, G, 134
Handwritten Advice -- Helga, Phoebe, PG, epistolary large image
Hold On Tight -- Helga/Gerald, PG, 358
I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away -- Nadine, Rhonda, G, 423
Leather -- Rhonda/Helga, R, 100 *added July 2013*
The Librarian and Her Helper -- Phoebe/Stinky, PG, ~300
Never Letting Go: Song Shuffle Challenge -- assorted characters/pairings, PG-13, various lengths
Nothing Lasts Forever -- Arnold, G, 100
Page-turning -- Helga, G, 100
Plainer Boxes: 50 Sentences Challenge -- assorted characters/pairings, PG-13, one sentence per prompt
Popsicles in a Tree -- Arnold/Helga, PG-13, 314
Relief -- Arnold/Gerald/Helga, R, 100 *added July 2013*
Repayment -- Curly/Eugene, PG, 200
Shadowed Windows -- Gerald/Olga, PG-13, 648
Shining Through -- Sid/?? (surprise!), PG, 152
Tattoo -- Helga/Phoebe, R, 100 *added July 2013*
Unlucky Green Undies Arnold, Helga/Lila, Gerald, PG-13, 427
Unlucky Green Undies: THE RESOLUTION (sequel) -- Arnold, various caring adults, R, 918
The Unimportance of Math & The Possibility of Promises (companion drabbles) -- Arnold/Helga, G, 100 each
Untitled comment!fic (prompt: poinsettias) -- Arnold/Helga, NC-17, 200
Untitled comment!fic (prompt: tinsel) -- Curly/Eugene, NC-17, 100
Untitled comment!fic (prompt: postcoital cuddles) -- Phoebe/Gerald, NC-17, 100
Untitled comment!fic (prompt: wintry scene) -- Phoebe/Lila, NC-17, 200
Untitled comment!fic -- Edmund, Helga/Wolfgang, PG-13, ~700
Valley Dream -- Helga, G, 100
The Way She Wanted -- Helga/Arnold, R, 100
We've Come This Far -- Helga, Lila, G, ~400
You Have a Visitor -- Stella, PG, 240

full-length fic
The Art of Persistence -- Arnold/Helga, PG-13, ~3060 words
Summary: Arnold corners Helga on a Denver-bound train. If he doesn't talk some sense into her now, he might never get another chance.
Beg the Universe -- Helga, PG-13, ~2800
Summary: Helga is driving home for Thanksgiving when things start to go awry. She wants to chalk it up to paranoia, but something keeps telling her to look over her shoulder. (Warning: hints of pre-story non-con)
Different Directions -- Phoebe/Lila, R, ~700
Summary: High school is over. Everything will change.
Do Monsters Dream? -- Arnold, Arnold/Helga, Helga/Rhonda, R, ~2000
Summary: Some people are lovers, others are fighters. Arnold is just a drunk inventor. (Warning: AU, supernaturalism, sequel to Awakened)
Impulse -- Gerald/Rhonda, PG-13, ~1000
Summary: Wherein Rhonda’s kind of famous, Gerald’s kind of impulsive (for once), and everybody’s a little lonely (except Arnold).
Searching the Hills for Sex and Gold -- Arnold/Helga, R, AU, 5279 words
Summary: Having spent all his life on the tropically forested island of San Lorenzo, Arnold longs to discover what the USA lifestyle is all about.
Two Darks -- Arnold/Helga, PG-13, 1080 words
Summary: Hollow his guts and display them on a platter so he can see what he’s really made of.
We Haven't Had Dessert Yet -- Phoebe/Gerald, NC-17, ~4100
Summary: Executive assistant manager Phoebe has a busy schedule this Friday, but Gerald does not want to wait until weekend to start having fun.
We Part at This Reunion -- Phoebe/Gerald, PG-13, ~1700
Summary: Phoebe's decision to break up with Gerald does not go as planned. Warning: supernaturalism.

Awakened -- Helga/Rhonda, ~1000 (Warning: AU, supernaturalism)
In Passing, We Learn -- Rhonda, 130 words (Summary: Rhonda dies.)
Treasure -- varied characters, 126 words (Summary: Helga's secret box is rediscovered.)

Fool's Hold -- Rhonda/Nadine, G
Frolicking -- Curly/Patty, G
Quick Goodbye -- Helga/Lila, PG
A Mermaid and A Centaur -- Phoebe/Gerald, PG-13 for slight nudity, AU
Pink Balloon I -- Arnold/Helga, G
Pink Balloon II -- Arnold/Helga, G
Pirate sketches -- assorted characters, nothing worse than PG
Rock Me, Baby -- Sid/Helga, PG
    Arnold *added July 2013*
     Cecile!Helga *added July 2013*
     Doctor Bliss *added July 2013*
    Gerald *added July 2013*
    Principal Wartz *added July 2013*
    Sid *added July 2013*
A Sorta Fairytale -- Helga/Arnold, PG, AU
Take My Hand -- Helga, Lila, G

Five Times Helga Pataki Did Something Incredibly Kind *added July 2013*
The Hey Arnold Kids All Grew Up Gorgeous

other fandoms
Masterlist for all other fandoms located here.

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