+ Being Human has been blowing me away with every single episode so far this season. It's really my favorite show right now. And without spoiling, I'd like to say three things: I love Annie a little more every episode, Mitchell is damn close to being my favorite vampire of ALL TIME (sorry, Spike), and every time George cries, I cry. X'(
Recently watched the Caprica pilot. I loved it more than I thought I would. I don't know anything about the universe it takes place in (Battlestar Galactaca I think?), but the great plot has won me. I wasn't expecting the religious/nonreligious themes, but I love them. Also, I think there are intentional homoerotic overtones between two particular characters. Asking each other out for coffee, standing so close all the time, always going off together to be alone... I wasn't even looking to slash anybody, it was just THERE. Here I thought Arthur and Merlin were obvious!
+ Kind of dreading the geo quiz because I've hardly looked at a political map all week (I've been too busy failing
this intensely difficult world desert quiz), but here I go anyway!
*takes test*
Countries of the World QuizTODAY'S RESULTS:
191 out of 195 Countries of the World.
The countries I missed:
Romania (Europe)
San Marino (Europe)
Timor-leste (Asia)
Vanuatu (Oceania)
Holy yay!! I didn't expect that good. I'm surprised at myself.