E-mail to the author, re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss (boykissing and slash, and why we love it!)

Sep 13, 2005 12:21

Remember that article I linked to a little while back? If not, here it is again: A Kiss is Just a Kiss. You should definitely read it.

Based on a comment redbrickrose made, that the author doesn't really know fandom, I decided to send an email to her (the author) enlightening her about our little corner of the web. I hope I do us justice. I'm posting it here ( Read more... )

articles, queer as folk, slash

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Comments 23

nebulein September 13 2005, 16:48:59 UTC
Watching gay men, or reading about gay men, is a pure pleasure with no strings attached.



little_lusty September 13 2005, 17:44:07 UTC
May I just say BRAVO! I know I would be proud to stand with the females who feel you did a great job speaking on our behalf!
DAMN! You said it all so well! I will be saving this!
I admit I liked her article but scratched my head when she said how females didn't find the boy kissing on QAF sexy!
I was like "WTF? Were we wacthing the same show?" LOL
*applauds* Really well done honey! I hope you get a response!:) Brit
*we can't even start on how much this 24 year old straight girl loves the boy kissing:)*


exsequar September 13 2005, 21:12:31 UTC
Awww thank you! You're so sweet!! :D I really hope I get a response too, I'd love to know what she thinks about all this. Maybe she'll be scared of all the crazy fangirls, hee


the5thmarauder September 13 2005, 19:14:20 UTC
That is an AMAZING letter! Did she reply back? *whispers* Make her read nightrunner ;) Hopefully she'll get the hint in your letter.


exsequar September 13 2005, 21:13:10 UTC
Thanks babe! *mwah* Not yet, I just sent it earlier today :) I will certainly let you know if she does. And oooh I really hope she reads it too ^_^


lemurjoe September 13 2005, 22:48:36 UTC
Thank you for pointing out that there are guys who like QaF, we just don't squee about it as much. (And yes, for your tally I'm queer.)

I like the positive spin you put on the next to last paragraph: the "double the attraction" and "no element of jealousy". I get very tired of seeing the "reason" put forth by most psychologists; i.e. "young women who like boy-kissing are afraid of men and sex and watching men act in more emotional female roles reassures their anxieties about their future marriages." And if this sounds like something I've dredged up from the 50's, I assure you not only was I taught this in college about ten years ago, but I've heard it repeated by 'experts' many times since then.

On a different topic, I love your mood pic. It's his face from my all time favorite picture. Have you seen the entire original picture? (not the photoshoped version with angel wings and a halo) If you have do you know if it is online? I've wanted to post it, but my copy is in a book and I have no way to scan it.


little_lusty September 13 2005, 23:18:14 UTC
Just wanted to jump in and say HI to you! I know so many girl fans of QAF but not many guys *gay or otherwise:)* so Nice to Meet Ya.
I must have missed that part about why girls like seeing two men together (the whole "young women who like boy-kissing are afraid of men and sex and watching men act in more emotional female roles reassures their anxieties about their future marriages.") Ummmm NO! Not at all! It is because it's a win win situation! And I like gay prn for the same reason! Dr. Freud I don't need thank you!:) Just wanted to post how I thought it was cool that you put how you get tired of seeing why us straight girls like seeing men together! Chat later, Brit


lemurjoe September 14 2005, 04:41:24 UTC
Oops. I didn't mean to imply that either the article author or Starsouls had made that argument; just that that is(was, I hope) the "accepted" argument and it was so nice to NOT hear it for once. I would hope that in another ten years, only old fogies like me remember that it was even put forth much less believed.


exsequar September 14 2005, 01:02:39 UTC
Responding to you in backwards order:

Yes, I have the picture! I think it's absolutely beautiful. I've never seen the halo version, but I can totally see why someone made that ^_^ Here it is:

... )


redbrickrose September 14 2005, 22:34:07 UTC
Oh, brava! *applauds*
*adds to memories*

Well said, Anne.


exsequar September 14 2005, 23:29:23 UTC
Aw thank you!! :)


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