Hey look, I have a rollercoaster icon!

Aug 17, 2009 00:49

I survived Cedar Point! And all I got was this lousy sunburn ( Read more... )

umich, cedar point, rl, summer 09, bandom - mcr

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Comments 3

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exsequar August 18 2009, 02:44:16 UTC
Thank you sweetie! <3333 (Oh I do hope this year will include Frank being a hotass with a guitar. *CROSSES FINGERS*)


beeej August 17 2009, 16:48:52 UTC
Happy Birthday! :D

Cedar Point! Geez, I haven't been there in YEARS. I have awesome memories of it, though. :D


exsequar August 18 2009, 02:43:49 UTC
Thank you! :D

It was super super fun. I hope one day to go in the fall, so as to have a less, ahem, sticky experience! Hee.


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