Hey look, I have a rollercoaster icon!

Aug 17, 2009 00:49

I survived Cedar Point! And all I got was this lousy sunburn. :)

It was tons of fun! Incredibly hot and sweaty and tiring, but super fun. We hit almost every coaster, except the dinky ones and one insane one and one that was closed, and we hit the best one (Raptor) twice. That was right by the entrance, so we walked in and got right in line - for an hour. In 90 degree humid sunshine. Yum! It was an awesome ride though, and we revisited it at 9 PM when we were on our way out, waited about 15 minutes and had a blast. What a great way to cap the experience. But I am almost dead with exhaustion. Left the house at 8:45 AM, returned at midnight. I barely had energy to take a shower, but it was so, so necessary. *YAAAAAWN* I really liked the group that I went with though, so that made the day really wonderful.

Now of course I skimmed a bit of my flist, because it is an addiction, and I must say that pictures like this make the world go round. SIIIIIIIIIIIGH. &WAYS;

I turn 22 in about exactly 24 hours! :) There's actually a list online of all the free things you can get in Ann Arbor for your bday - you better believe I'm hitting those up!

Now, Advil and SLEEP.

umich, cedar point, rl, summer 09, bandom - mcr

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