By the way your hands were shaking, rather waste my time with you

May 06, 2009 01:03

You know you're a college student when: you look at the clock, it says 1 AM, and you go "hey, it's still early!"

So - hey, it's still early! I've already written 2.5 pages of my paper, all my extensive research is TOTALLY paying off (quotes every sentence, haha! From different sources!), I think I've got a good sense of how I want to structure it ( Read more... )

bandom - the used, senior, concerts, rl, college

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Comments 3

go_gentle May 6 2009, 05:18:03 UTC
1am means there's still like 2 hours of work time left!


vertrauen May 6 2009, 05:33:43 UTC
I'm sort of doing the same thing! I have a 10-source essay proposal due this week with annotated sources, and I'm doing my essay on Danny Boyle with a focus on Slumdog. I'm wordy too, but once I got all my sources lined up, it's been pretty easy, and here I can be and get patted on the back for it! :)


theaerosolkid May 6 2009, 06:00:56 UTC
You know you're a college student when: you look at the clock, it says 1 AM, and you go "hey, it's still early!"
My God, that's the worst part about being a grown-up. Or at least a pretend grown-up. I now have to at least try to be asleep by midnight. BOO, LIFE.


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