By the way your hands were shaking, rather waste my time with you

May 06, 2009 01:03

You know you're a college student when: you look at the clock, it says 1 AM, and you go "hey, it's still early!"

So - hey, it's still early! I've already written 2.5 pages of my paper, all my extensive research is TOTALLY paying off (quotes every sentence, haha! From different sources!), I think I've got a good sense of how I want to structure it overall, and my main concern is that I'm going to run out of space (my professor's instructions: "Your target is 1800 words. I'll stop reading when you reach 2000." And he means it.) because I am one wordy motherfucker, especially when I have fifteen hand-written pages of quotations and notes from one source and three single spaced pages of notes typed from the other. I think I could have written a 20 page paper on the origins of Hutu and Tutsi identities with this research.

Wow, that middle sentence was long. SEE I TOLD YOU SO. Here's a sample from my paper:The most significant institutional change that brought about this new, and highly unequal, relationship was the imposition of ubureetwa, “a form of clientship that was almost entirely without an element of reciprocity,” consisted of “manual labor […] as payment for occupation of land” (Mamdani 66), and was imposed only on Hutu. At this point “the lines between Hutu and Tutsi remained porous” (Gourevitch 49) and there remained the possibility that a Hutu could “kwihutura - shed Hutuness - and achieve the political status of a Tutsi” (Mamdani 70).

Yes, I do realize I am slightly ridiculous. Whatever, these kinds of papers have totally gotten me As in the past. I'll just have to do more of my-own-words analyzing later, once I'm done with the historical narrative part.

Blah blah blah basically this post was for that first sentence. So, HEY, IT'S STILL EARLY! I'm gonna get a couple more hours of work in and then hit the hay. :) Tomorrow's crunch time - I have to finish this paper, study for a physics exam, and prepare my presentation, all due Thursday. But now that I've got so much done on my paper (three hours ago I ONLY had notes) I'm feeling good! \o/

(Now that I've broken my concert drought I WANT MOOOOORE. *mope mope* I've been listening to The Used all day, still on a bit of a high but also sad that it's OVER.)

bandom - the used, senior, concerts, rl, college

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