Well it takes one to know one she smiles

May 06, 2009 22:46

I just submitted my last ever college essay!! \o/ \o/

Well, on the one hand, that's victory arms. On the other - last essay! :( :( :( Now I'm off to the land of ~science, where we always write in passive voice and never use pretty turns of phrase, and we definitely don't analyze the cultural and political nuances of the past two centuries that led to the wholesale slaughter of one people by another. That may not sound like fun, but it sure as hell is interesting. I just hope my sciencey stuff ends up being interesting too. Otherwise I might have to drop out and start a PhD in anthropology or something. /o\

I really do think I'm going to miss writing analytically about people and creative ideas. The problem is, I'm such a lazy bastard that I don't really just write on my own, I need to be guided by a class. Who knows, maybe I'll grow up and start giving myself topics, although what fun is that when no one's going to read it? Hrm. Conundrum.

Whatever, that's sent in (a full 17 hours before it's due! Now THAT'S worth \o/ \o/) and tomorrow I have a presentation and an exam and then I'm DONE. (Well, sort of, some loose ends to tie up for my independent, but TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES.) My presentation is 95% done, I'm just wrangling with some technical difficulties, and my exam is... er, not studied for. It's Physics 2 and this class has been such a walk in the park (my average is at least a 97) that I'm having a hard time caring. However, I do hate going into any exam feeling unprepared at all, so I suppose I'll go study, whatever. Grump grump. :) Night loves!

ETA: So that maybe this post will have some point - does anyone have any live recordings of The Used? Have they released an album of live stuff, maybe with Berth? I am craving some, for obvious reasons!

senior, rl, college

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