I could break your heart any day of the week

May 07, 2009 23:40

My presentation went kind of lamely this morning - I am so over this project, and over presenting the same results over and over and over, that I kind of rushed and, as my professor put it, it wasn't my most inspired performance. Whateverrrrrr IT'S DONE. Tomorrow I just gotta go into the lab, tidy up some last minute things on my final paper, and I am DONE WITH COLLEGE. What.

The physics exam, btw, was lolariously easy. I took 80 minutes when we were given 3 hours. I had a minor freak out just before it because what if I wasn't prepared?!??? And then the questions were like ...really? That's worth 10 points? Ooookay! So. A bizarre note to end my college career on, but hey. \o/

I THINK I'M GETTING SICK. D: Don't you hate when your body does that? It's like, oh hey, I have no reason to keep fighting anymore, I'm going to let the viruses DEVOUR YOU MWAHAHAHAHA. My throat is all tickly and my head feels foggy and my eyes hurt and ughhhh. NOT ON, BODY! There's a surprise party for a friend of mine on tomorrow night, and I am the designated booze mule, and basically I DON'T WANNA BE SICK! Rarrr.

My car's brakes have also started making a grinding noise. Sweet! I didn't want that tax refund money for my trip to Dublin at all! >:(

ALSO, my friend Ryan just told me that he got told he might have typhus. Typhus. It's bacterial, transmitted by tick bites, and apparently still sometimes fatal. WHAT. This is terrifying and I don't even know how to process this information. Ryan! :( He's obviously going to the doctor ASAP but I'm so worried about him.

I'm sorry, this didn't mean to be a post of woe! I'm happy I'm almost done with college, honestly. There's just a few crappy things, apparently!

HOW WAS SUPERNATURAL? I'm simultaneously terrified and totally revved up. Cmon internet, feed my piratey needs! *gimmehands*

senior, rl, college

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