Falling down on lead wings, torn apart

Apr 15, 2009 18:21

I've been wanting to do another music video for a long time, but when I switched to Mac I lost my Premiere and all the surrounding tools that I had built up, so it's been hard to even consider tackling all that again. But I think this is something I'd love to do during my (very short) summer, and I finally have an idea I love ( Read more... )

vidding, kara thrace, bsg

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Comments 2

redbrickrose April 15 2009, 23:03:40 UTC
That sounds really cool! and the song is gorgeous. I hope you do it!


escherzo April 16 2009, 07:22:22 UTC
That is one of my favorite songs, so even though I haven't watched the series, I'd definitely still watch it.


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