Falling down on lead wings, torn apart

Apr 15, 2009 18:21

I've been wanting to do another music video for a long time, but when I switched to Mac I lost my Premiere and all the surrounding tools that I had built up, so it's been hard to even consider tackling all that again. But I think this is something I'd love to do during my (very short) summer, and I finally have an idea I love!

The song is called "Destroying Angel" by Sneaker Pimps, and I want to do a video to it about Kara (and Leoben and maybe Lee and/or Sam) of BSG!

I've loved this song (and this band) for a long time, and their music has always felt perfect for vidding to me - haunting, melodic and weird, with very unique rhythmic patterns and instruments, which is exactly what I love to vid (that perfectly describes No More Good Guys, the song I vidded for Faith). The problem was that I could never get a subject I wanted to vid to match with their lyrics, but today I was listening to my iPod, this song came up, and I was like "....KARA!" It took the events of the end of season 4 to make me see the connection, but it's definitely there.

This is the song:

image Click to view

This is a live version, but it sounds incredibly close to the recording, and I thought you wouldn't mind the very cute (and androgynous) singer! ;)

i know you know my head's not in this now
nothing you could keep so keep me down
like the stones beneath the water that you walk on to be taller
the hands you stuck together cause you prayed you'd wait forever
just another fragile angel heart
falling down on lead wings torn apart

and the words beneath my skin
the ink that you put in
destroying all the things you left around
cause you're earthbound coming down

so what you have the nerve to call a friend
is starved of all the sense to make amends
cause i'm the glass you break to touch but you never want me much
like the view across the water from your shoes and two feet smaller
i know it doesn't pay to be this hurt
falling off the morning getting worse

and the words beneath my skin
the ink that you put in
destroying all the things you've left around
cause i'm earthbound coming down
come down
come down
come around...

cause i'm down

It's such a gorgeous, melancholy song. I'm still trying to unpack exactly what it's saying about Kara, but there are some wonderful lines (bolded) that work perfectly. I think it cries out for a treatment of the Kara/Leoben dynamic - he's the one who put "the words beneath [her] skin", way way back in S1. He also "keeps [her] down" on New Caprica, and she's "the glass he breaks to touch". I'm going to have to go back and rewatch all of their stuff, but I can definitely see something being shaped out of that. Then I want to pull in Kara's agony in seasons three and four, her downward spiral into KABOOM ("falling down on lead wings"), her desperate desire to find earth ("earthbound"! Ha), and her eventual completion of her destiny, her path, which fits well with the quiet, soft winding down at the end of the song.

It's all still extremely sketchy in my head, but I can see this becoming something beautiful. It's an intimidating idea, because there is SO much source material and I don't even own all of it, but I think it would be a whole lot of fun. I do love my Kara, and making a vid of her would nicely round out a trio of vidded obsessions (Faith and Winchesters being the other two). Does anybody have any thoughts they'd like to throw in? Even if it's just to tell me that yes, this is a viable/good idea, or no, here's the issue with it... I just want to talk this out with someone else who knows the canon!

vidding, kara thrace, bsg

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