Bored on the internet

Mar 28, 2009 23:17

It makes me sad that there's no fandom that I feel a burning desire to read fic in. Mostly I just want more of anshin_fanfic's Eddie/Adrian series, but she seems to have slowed down a lot. :( I might go back and revisit some SGA, or Due South.... hm. (SGA is definitely a fandom where the fic will NEVER get old. It's just... so well DONE, and not necessarily ( Read more... )

matthew goode, random, umich, rl, michelle, tv

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Comments 10

parcae March 29 2009, 05:43:40 UTC
OH. I have been meaning to ask you -- can the school you're attending for grad school be referred to as UM?

And then I facepalmed, because this isn't relevant to anything you posted! That apartment is gorgeous, though, you're right.


exsequar March 29 2009, 05:44:52 UTC
It can, but that's a little ambiguous out of context - UM can also mean University of Minnesota, among other things. For precision I use UMich :D


parcae March 29 2009, 05:50:22 UTC

*digs around Facebook*

Ahahahaha, dude. Is the program you're going into big-ish or small-ish?


exsequar March 29 2009, 05:52:12 UTC
Smallish, lol. There's about... idk, 40-50 students in it, all five cohorts combined.


wordsalone March 29 2009, 14:31:04 UTC
I want that apartment.


flimsy March 29 2009, 22:40:11 UTC
I started getting bored with fandom (bandom) a while ago and then I went back and looked at all the ooooold pictures of Panic and FOB on my computer and read three year old fic, and suddenly I'm all ♥ again.


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