Bored on the internet

Mar 28, 2009 23:17

It makes me sad that there's no fandom that I feel a burning desire to read fic in. Mostly I just want more of anshin_fanfic's Eddie/Adrian series, but she seems to have slowed down a lot. :( I might go back and revisit some SGA, or Due South.... hm. (SGA is definitely a fandom where the fic will NEVER get old. It's just... so well DONE, and not necessarily ( Read more... )

matthew goode, random, umich, rl, michelle, tv

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parcae March 29 2009, 05:43:40 UTC
OH. I have been meaning to ask you -- can the school you're attending for grad school be referred to as UM?

And then I facepalmed, because this isn't relevant to anything you posted! That apartment is gorgeous, though, you're right.


exsequar March 29 2009, 05:44:52 UTC
It can, but that's a little ambiguous out of context - UM can also mean University of Minnesota, among other things. For precision I use UMich :D


parcae March 29 2009, 05:50:22 UTC

*digs around Facebook*

Ahahahaha, dude. Is the program you're going into big-ish or small-ish?


exsequar March 29 2009, 05:52:12 UTC
Smallish, lol. There's about... idk, 40-50 students in it, all five cohorts combined.


parcae March 29 2009, 05:54:33 UTC
Aha. Well, in that case, if you meet someone tall-ish named Sabrina, she was awesome the last time I talked to her, so chances are she is still awesome now. (As a warning.)


exsequar March 29 2009, 05:57:03 UTC
Well, when I gave that number I meant just Chemical Biology, and I don't see a Sabrina on our webpage. There must be hundreds of grad students in the bio, chem, biochem, medicinal, pathology, biophys, etc etc ETC programs. Do you know which she's in?


parcae March 29 2009, 05:57:55 UTC
Ahaha, wow, I completely misunderstood you. :| Chem or biochem, most likely.


exsequar March 29 2009, 05:59:21 UTC
Well I'll keep an eye out for her :)


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