A list.

Jan 18, 2009 02:46

Gerard: forever my favorite geek.

Mikeyway: forever my second favorite geek.

Grad school: terrifying and thrilling all at once. I found a guy I REALLY want to work with at Michigan. His research is into new ways of tackling neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers. Amazing. (Monica and other geeks on my flist, you should check out his websiteRead more... )

rl, bandom - mcr, michelle, tv, angel, merlin, senior, grad school, friday night lights, college, bsg, buffy

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Comments 8

parcae January 18 2009, 08:18:00 UTC
We all ("we all" being "my family") call it Aldi's, because for some reason we pluralize everything, but I am SO WITH YOU on the love. I really hope wherever I end up settling down has at least one, because I think I might die without it. :( :( :(


expatiates January 18 2009, 08:45:38 UTC
"i will remember you"!!!! *bawls*


exsequar January 18 2009, 08:47:08 UTC
You were the one that prompted me to watch it! I'm so glad I did, but owwwwwww. The cookie dough fudge mint chip in bed :( :( :( MY HEART.


snuffkin January 18 2009, 09:16:26 UTC
Aldi ♥ It's taking over the world :O

I bought almost no textbooks this semester :(( Why are they so expensive Srsly. Most of them are written for students and people should know that we don't have any money GAH

Buffy: *sigh*


hebrew_hernia January 18 2009, 15:08:15 UTC
Things I am totally doing: applying to Michigan for grad school and working with that guy. Holy crap, Anne. That shit is bananas. Thanks for the link. ♥

Also, I accidentally stayed up until 2:30 last night/this morning reading Arthur/Merlin fic. Whooops.


pau494 January 18 2009, 15:58:01 UTC
GERAAARD omg you are so AMAZING, dude.

I didn't click the link because I'm sure it would make me feel dumb, but that research sounds wonderful.

MERLIN!!! I have nothing to add to that, my mind is literally going MERLIIIN!!! with big, sparkly bursts of glee.

What happened in FNL??? Now I need to catch up on that!

This comment is all over the place, hi I LOVE YOU.


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