A list.

Jan 18, 2009 02:46

Gerard: forever my favorite geek.

Mikeyway: forever my second favorite geek.

Grad school: terrifying and thrilling all at once. I found a guy I REALLY want to work with at Michigan. His research is into new ways of tackling neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers. Amazing. (Monica and other geeks on my flist, you should check out his website.)

Two days ago: My journal's 4 year anniversary! Huzzah! *throws confetti*

Merlin: Adorkable and gay and inexplicably still addicting. Nom nom.

Radiohead: AWESOME. I know I'm late on this bandwagon, whatever. I'm in love with OK Computer.

Michelle: My favorite bestest. ILHER.

Aldi: Awesome German grocery store that I happened to spot here and remembered from Dublin. REALLY CHEAP. Amazing A+ find <3333

Being too broke to afford textbooks: Sucky.

Angel and Buffy: Forever and eternally OTP. Watched "I Will Remember You" today. Sobbed like baby.

Friday Night Lights 3x13: Very very sad. It felt pretty... final, really. There's room to move forwards, but it also feels like a chapter has truly been closed. Timmy: still my favorite. Coach and Tami: still awesome. Sigh. Show of my heart. :(

Battlestar 4x11: Absolutely brutal. Sheezus. If that's what we're to expect for the rest of the season, oh dear lord. I'm scared yet super duper excited.

This is me being too lazy to write a real entry, and also procrastinating on going to bed. But there's only so long that can go on. Toodles!

rl, bandom - mcr, michelle, tv, angel, merlin, senior, grad school, friday night lights, college, bsg, buffy

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