*EXPLODES FROM CUTE* The Merlin cast is made of PUPPIES AND HOTNESS. Shut up, you know it's true.
Look at Bradley! All, "BAM. I am badass with a teddybear. Also, Colin is mine."
FACES FACES FACES. This is SUCH a family photo, it's ADORABLE.
Sigh, LADIES. Look how precious and darling and wonderful they are.
Pictures from Katie-McGrath.com and can be found in massive hi-res there.
I LOVE EVERYONE. *draws pink sparkly hearts*
I watched SPN last night. Creeeeeepy! And awesome in lots of ways. I actually caught some of the random culture references this time! Yay, Winchesters are back! We have some awesome episodes coming up and I'm EXCITED.
I have yet to watch the FNL FINALE (!!!!!! *flaps*) or the new episode of BSG (!!!!!!! *flaps more*), as I was busy hanging with my Michelle and Dierdre, since I'm back at school. (sigh) But they will be watched, SOON!
Know what I hate? Buying textbooks. Blargh.