You're my perfect little punching bag

Jan 05, 2009 19:43

I just wanted to say a quick few words about 2008. All the economic shitstorm and what have you at the end here is casting a pall over the year as a whole, but it was really something special for me... at least at the beginning. The year was quite cruelly split in half for me, so it's hard to remember that Dublin really WAS part of this year. At ( Read more... )

jeremy, dublin - missing, rl, new year 2009, 2008, vidding, merlin, holiday, grad school, senior, college

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Comments 2

gigglingkat January 6 2009, 03:36:51 UTC
I feel that way about 2005... The first half of the year I was debt free and took my mom on a dream vacation to Alaska that I paid for. I snapped a picture of her checking off something on her List. It is the happiest picture I have of her except her wedding day. And I did that.

Then in October of 2005 Hurricane Wilma destroyed my house and FEMA and all kinds of shit happened. Fortunately right before that I discovered SPN Fandom.

So many things all in one year. But yeah... the universe gave me Alaska so I would survive Wilma. It gave me fandom so I'd survive having to move back in with Mom.

You got Dublin to offset what was coming. You'll get to go back.


gestaltrose January 6 2009, 08:42:51 UTC
ah honey Ireland sound so beautiful.... *loves*


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