I'll break the sky

Aug 20, 2008 18:21

Chemistry is frustrating. I really couldn't do this for my life. I did generate the purest sample of my final product yet today though. So yay? \o/

Let's talk about Friday!! I know at least mmeguilotn, fayemeadows, and chaneen on my flist are going - I'm so excited! What time is everyone arriving? I don't have a sound check ticket, so when should I try to arrive by to get a ( Read more... )

bandom - panic!, rl, bandom - hushies, fenlon, summer 08

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Comments 14

lokte August 20 2008, 22:52:23 UTC
I've only seen one photo so I am trying to reserve final judgement but so far I am in the - better unshaven - camp too.

Your Empires posts are tempting me to listen to their album :)


exsequar August 20 2008, 22:54:44 UTC
I'm glad it's not just me. His face has a funny shape to it that the beard helped to hide. Idk. I'm weird.

SO LISTEN!! Just go to their website and download for free! Pretty please? *bats eyelashes* weareempires.com!


lokte August 21 2008, 07:00:20 UTC
I am trying to get Howl onto my iPod but some songs just don't want to play nice. Will keep trying though.

I just went and bought a batch of cds (2xTAI, 2xGCH, 2xCS, 1xMCR, 1xFOB) so I have got a bit of a listening backlog. I may bump Howl up a bit especially now that CS have cancelled their UK tour.

It is funny how some guys just look better with facial hair. The lead singer of my favourite band (Biffy Clyro) has a beard and he suits it so well. He shaved it off and I thought he looked awful so I was gutted but he grew it back again. In a recent interview he said he hates photos of himself without a beard cos he looks weird so hopefully he won't be tempted to do that again.


summertea August 20 2008, 22:54:47 UTC
does your copy of everything in transit have both parts of MFEO? 8)


escherzo August 20 2008, 22:56:11 UTC
... yeah, definitely joining the "I miss MCR" club


trinity_clare August 20 2008, 23:33:10 UTC
I prefer Jon scruffy, but really, it's Jon Walker. He was my bandom gateway drug.


modillian August 21 2008, 01:43:55 UTC
Oh man, for me too. Who could have imagined Jon Walker was the road to bandom? I'm sure he didn't purposefully fashion himself in that direction.


fayemeadows August 21 2008, 01:36:32 UTC


exsequar August 21 2008, 01:45:17 UTC

Important questions, lady! When are you getting there? Do you have soundcheck? When should I am for? Is, like, 6 okay?


fayemeadows August 21 2008, 02:07:03 UTC
I don't think I have soundcheck - even if I do I can't actually make it because of work! My man and I will be arriving around 7, most likely - maybe 7:30. The show starts at 8, I think?

also, i miss mcr too. more than is probably healthy for anyone to miss people they don't know.


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