I'll break the sky

Aug 20, 2008 18:21

Chemistry is frustrating. I really couldn't do this for my life. I did generate the purest sample of my final product yet today though. So yay? \o/

Let's talk about Friday!! I know at least mmeguilotn, fayemeadows, and chaneen on my flist are going - I'm so excited! What time is everyone arriving? I don't have a sound check ticket, so when should I try to arrive by to get a decent place? I'll have to figure out how early I can pull off leaving work.

Unpopular fandom opinion alert! Jon Walker shaved.... aaand I find him significantly less attractive. He's not my favorite to begin with, but I thought the beard really worked. Alas.


I feel like my posts are really inane lately. With the exception of happy babbling about Empires loves. Ummmm... sorry? *hands*

I miss MCR, tbh :-/

bandom - panic!, rl, bandom - hushies, fenlon, summer 08

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