
May 20, 2008 21:06

flksdjfal;dfjks BATTLESTAR GALACTICAAAAAAAA. Best motherfrakking show EVER, holy god. I just caught up to 4x07, the first half of the two parter. Why is not everyone on my flist watching this and freaking out too???

Just some FLAIL )

biochems, kara/lee, dublin, episode reactions - bsg, bsg, trinity

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Comments 5

wordsalone May 20 2008, 21:10:37 UTC

well, and Leoben, nom nom


I basically spent all of last Friday shouting at my television. It was BRILLIANT.


exsequar May 20 2008, 21:12:36 UTC
YAY, a fellow crazy! THIS SHOW, amiright???? When it's over my face will look like this: D:


wordsalone May 21 2008, 05:17:42 UTC
HELL YES. I always swore that I would never watch this show. Battlestar Galactica? Please.

But then I did and I completely fell in love with it. I'm going to be sobbing when it finally ends but I'm confident that the writers/actors are going to give us an amazing ending. It's going to be epic.


I love them. When I saw him in the opening sequence for this season, I completely lost my shit. I was hoping that he'd be around and he's a major player this season. I'm so happy!!!

Dear Writers,

Plz to be letting Gaius and Leoben live.



musical_emjay May 20 2008, 22:25:10 UTC

Yes. Yes to everything. And oh god, OH GOD, Kara/Leoben is like fucking CRAZY TIMES grand central, but that doesn't stop me wanting it like burning. LEOBEN NOM NOM. KARA NOM NOM.

I'm still completely gobsmacked by the sheer number of people/cylons they've been killing off in the last couple episodes. It's MADNESS. Slow down before all the cool people are dead! D: (And leave Six alone! D: D: D:)

Gaeta made me wibble, poor baby. And he has such a lovely singing voice! It was so tragic! *sob*

(YAYYY for rocking your exam, darling! YOU are a ROCKSTAR ♥)


anonymous May 21 2008, 21:07:02 UTC
Okay, I know nothing about BSG, but I AM SO HAPPY YOUR EXAM WENT WELL \O/


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