
May 20, 2008 21:06

flksdjfal;dfjks BATTLESTAR GALACTICAAAAAAAA. Best motherfrakking show EVER, holy god. I just caught up to 4x07, the first half of the two parter. Why is not everyone on my flist watching this and freaking out too???

POOR GAETA!! Ugh, I want to punch Anders in the FACE. He's never been my favorite, but fuck was that uncalled for! Gaeta lost his LEG because Sam was a little trigger-happy! And no I don't care that he was defending Kara, my one true lover. Sam was an idiot and I hope he sees some consequences for that, because christ.

Not that things could get much worse for him at this stage.

They keep KILLING people! I think in that three episode streak 5 people (well, people and cylons) bit the dust. And all were like *flail* omg! THEY KILLED TWO SIXES!!! TWO OF THEM. I am really pissed, actually, because she's AMAZING and absolutely my favorite of the cylons (well, and Leoben, nom nom) and now there's only really one of them with a personality. BOO! D: D: D: Fucking Athena. What the hell was that about, anyway? Jeeeeesus. That wasn't even the Six that's been sharing the visions! Complete failboat. Argh.

KARA! I'm glad we've got her back being normal, because she was freaking me out there for a while. Is it wrong that I prefer her with Leoben over Sam? I mean, they are both cylons... but then again, Leoben kept her locked up for months. Um. STILL HOT. Aaaaaaaanyway. I like that she was justified in the end and has thus stopped being Crazy Girl. Because i love my Kara, but that was a bit much.

I WANT KARA TO TALK TO LEE. In that scene where Roslin brought the Six to the Quorum, I was just flailing because ZOMG KARA AND LEE IN THE SAME ROOM EEEEEEEE! We see where my priorities lie *facepalm* And then there was that shot that panned from Kara to Lee and he snuck his eyes over to her and awwwwwwwwww preciouses. They will always always ALWAYS be the loves of my heart. I'm actually really sad about what they did with Lee this season, because it was supposed to be this really interesting character move, and mostly it's been... boring. I hate politics. I want him shooting shit up again :( And frakking Kara Thrace, dammit! I would so watch the Pilots show, PS. Just Kara and Lee being badasses in love.

Uhm, sorry, tangent. (I looooove them) What else what else.... hmm, Helo, way to be awesome, ILU. Uhm, Gaius and Tory is kinda gross. Idk, I'm feeling better about Gaius now, but Tory kind of annoys me. (I don't have well-thought out opinions on a lot of these characters, just gut feelings.) Roslin lately has gotten so... cold, and calculating and almost... vicious. I don't feel nearly the same warmth towards her as I did. I know the cancer is really hard on her, but it's just difficult to watch her become so... distant. I hope this possible new plotline with Kara will warm her up a bit for me. Because Kara works magic. <3333

Is it just me or has Adama not really done much lately?

ATHENA WTF. Not Six D: D: I think they need to get Platinum!Six out of the brig, stat. I need me my Tricia! She really is my favorite, after Karaaaaaa. Is it Friday yet?? *GRABBYHANDS* This SHOW, you guys. When it goes on hiatus again I'm going to CRY.

Whew! That was draining. Quite a "break" from studying, haha.

So that exam that I arrived four hours early for went swimmingly! I put those hours to great use studying in the library (for tomorrow's exam, actually), went and kicked ass on the exam, then came back to the library and studied for three more hours. It was a very productive day! I also got to chat with Louise and Paddy and Laura and Sharee and Bridget-Ann a bit, so that was really nice! Exams are dumb, interfering with my social life. *frownyface*

One down, six to go! \o/

biochems, kara/lee, dublin, episode reactions - bsg, bsg, trinity

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