And if the timing is right to sneak off into the night

May 21, 2008 21:18

Second exam's ass: THOROUGHLY KICKED \o/

Two down, five to go!

Becca you would have been so proud of me, I rambled on about G-protein coupled receptors and effector enzymes like a pro! *beams* I rewarded myself with a Cadbury Crunchie bar, because nom nom nom. I will be so sad when I can't have those in the states. I'll have to make Louise mail me a million of them :D

The exam was HUGE! There LEAST 300 people taking a test in there. Maybe 400. It was INSANE. The process of going in, everyone dropping off their bags, reading their seat number, and filing into the hall was this gigantic production, geez. Taking exams here is like taking the SATs - you have forms to fill out all officially and whatnot, and some person you've never seen in your life yelling about filling out forms and how much time you have. It's weird. And my roommates have an exam on Friday in a place that Trinity rents out that normally is a conference hall and CONCERT VENUE, where there can be 2000 people in a room taking an exam. Holy shit. It's so different from home, where you sit in a classroom with your 20 classmates and hand your finished exam to the professor who taught you.

So after my exam I went to the library. I took a half hour break to have lunch with Niall and Paddy (<33333333, seriously) but in total I spent EIGHT HOURS in the library. o.O And it didn't even really feel that long. I got through 7 immunology lectures, which is starting to make some sense (I have that exam on Friday), and I kept myself from going crazy by reading KIDFIC OF DARLINGNESS OMG (<333333333333333, SERIOUSLY) and munching on a bag of wine gums (a gummy candy), which I will admit I only bought because Russell and Noel make a joke about them in the BFQOTY 2006. :D I was also kept sane by periodic visits to Louise and Paddy's desk, commiserating about how awful exams are. I adore them <3333 When she was headed out, Lou brought me a stick figure drawing she'd done of the three of us at Aran Mor, the island we're all going to visit after exams. It was so precious :D CAN I BE THERE NOWWWW???

I'm now going to watch an episode of FNL season 1, which I've been working my way through slowly. Siiiigh, best season of TV ever. S2 was awesome, but nothing can match S1. Amazing.

Love you all!

biochems, dublin, bandom - mcr, trinity

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