But that's not important to this part of the story.

May 12, 2008 02:17

Can we talk about how fucking adorable those Darlings at the Disco are? Because seriously. Zack Hall, please be my minder. ILU. And your infinite patience. Can we also talk about how watching Spencer Smith flail about on the floor trying to pretend he was swimming was the hottest thing ever, UNTIL five seconds later, when Brendon Urie did a ( Read more... )

meredith, family, pete, trinity, x-files, holiday, bandom - panic!, bandom - hushies, dublin, daddy

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Comments 16

trinity_clare May 12 2008, 01:48:23 UTC
Ugh, BOYYYYYYS. I could have sworn I was done being thirteen years old years ago.

I don't know how all the venues are set up, but at the HCT show I'm going to, the whole lower floor is GA and all the balcony seating was reserved for fan club members. *shrug*


exsequar May 12 2008, 18:48:18 UTC
Hahaha I know right?? They make me so STUPID in the face :D:D

Huh, that's interesting! Yeah idk either *shrug*


(The comment has been removed)

exsequar May 12 2008, 18:49:05 UTC
SO precious. I love that the Hushies are now the babies of the family! <333


wordsalone May 12 2008, 02:02:37 UTC
Oh my GOD...ZACK HALLLLLLLLLLLL. How is this dude so fucking awesome?


exsequar May 12 2008, 18:55:12 UTC
He's so fantastic! Seriously, the Panic children got so lucky when they found him. Big and scary, but not-so-secretly a FUNNY TEDDYBEAR. <33333


strippedpink May 12 2008, 02:09:32 UTC
Thank youu sugarbaby! MWAH!


exsequar May 12 2008, 18:55:36 UTC
You're welcome, lovely! <333


pushingyouaway May 12 2008, 02:43:22 UTC
n'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww boys


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