But that's not important to this part of the story.

May 12, 2008 02:17

Can we talk about how fucking adorable those Darlings at the Disco are? Because seriously. Zack Hall, please be my minder. ILU. And your infinite patience. Can we also talk about how watching Spencer Smith flail about on the floor trying to pretend he was swimming was the hottest thing ever, UNTIL five seconds later, when Brendon Urie did a standing backflip to Elton John? YEAH I DONT KNOW EITHER. <333333333 However, the Ladder vs. Windshield one is my FAVORITE, because, well, 1) ZACK. ILU. Solving the mystery! "We can tell CSI NOT to come. Unless they want to." 2) Zack hugging all of Hush Sound hello, UGH MY HEART! Darren is so miniscule next to him! And Greta is just engulfed! Daaaaarlings! 3) BRENDON URIE hugging all of the Hushies hello!!! The way he ruffles Chris's hair is THE MOST PRECIOUSEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN, OKAY. <3333333333333333 Heeeeee! And 4) GRETA. "We've just been shot at!" and Brendon, "FOR REAL??" Ahahahaha. Lovelovelovelove. The shenanigans those children must be getting up to on this tour! Moar backstage footage plz!

My sister got to go to the HCT show last night in Connecticut with my dad. She had SUCH a great time. It sounds like it was an awesome show. And my dad really enjoyed it! He said they're fantastic performers with a great sound, and he loves the three of our boys harmonizing, and yay. They were in the pit (i could have sworn there were no seating tickets on sale when I got the presale tickets! Is that because GA is considered better? I'm sure my dad would have appreciated sitting down >.<) and had a great view. I wish I could have been there with them! Ah well, it will happen at some point, me and my sis will totally become concert buddies (love you, Mere! <3) when Panic returns to the states and MCR stops rolling in their wedded bliss :P

Next let's talk about how EXCITED I am for the new X-Files movie. LKSDFLSDKJF. It's going to be amaaaaaazing, you guys. Mulder and Scully are 100% the original OTP of my heart, and I cannot express the glee it gives me to have new canon coming. YAY YAY YAY. The viral promo thingies are FANTASTIC (see them over at xfiles) but I can't seem to get the trailer to work for me! WANTS *grabbyhands*

I called my mommy to wish her Happy Mother's Day tonight. She was most pleased by the edible flower arrangement (read: shaped fruit, some of it chocolate covered, nom nom nom) that I sent over, so yay. We had a nice long chat, it's nice to have grown out of the at-war-with-mom teenage phase! (Unlike my rooommate, who cannot talk to her mom for 5 seconds without getting in a fight >.<) At the end she handed the phone to my brother and I ended up talking to him for half an hour. I forget how fond I am of him sometimes! He's 17 and clearly can be quite the pain in the ass, but as I've taken the stick out of my ass, and he's matured a bit, we're much more able to have real conversations. He's so funny and smart, when he's not an asshole we get along great. My mom told me the story about how he completely out of the blue won the position of vice president in his high school's student council, haha! He tied for second in the first round of voting, then they had to write speeches, and his speech was so awesome that he won! I'm not super surprised, because he's extremely eloquent, charismatic, and a great writer, but still, how cool. Now... he just has to pass junior year. Which is actually quite up in the air :-/ His teachers RAVE about how brilliant he is, how he leads class discussions and has the brightest mind, but... he doesn't do his work. Oh Pete. He's so frustrating, but such a great kid. I'm sure he'll come out on top eventually.

This is still on time in the states, so HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to all the lovely moms on my flist! Off the top of my head, keepaofthecheez, deirdre_c, adellyna, and I'm probably forgetting someone or not aware, but um. Yes! You are all lovely ladies and I admire you so much for what you do! I hope you all had fantastic days :)

That's all for now. The hardcore week of studying has begun, so while I'm probably getting my laptop back in the next couple days, I'm still going to be relatively MIA. Love you all! <3

meredith, family, pete, trinity, x-files, holiday, bandom - panic!, bandom - hushies, dublin, daddy

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