Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!

Mar 06, 2008 21:38

1. NEW X-FILES MOOOOVIE! BWEEEEE! The footage from Wondercon is fantastic - David and Gillian look radiant! (Scroll back through xfiles to see everything) I didn't manage to see the trailer when it was leaked, but I hope something will surface soon. I also saw spoilery shots from the set and all I can say is - EEEEE! :D ( Read more... )

rl, movies, trinity, fnl, x-files, torchwood, friday night lights, dublin

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Comments 16

iltaru March 7 2008, 17:37:15 UTC
Oh nooooo, don't say you're leaving so soon! I reallllly wanted to see you again before you ran off to t'other side of the Atlantic!

Siiigh :( Have you a particular leaving date which I must mourn/attempt to pounce on you before? xxx


exsequar March 8 2008, 11:48:10 UTC
Aw, hon! I'd love to see you again too! I hope to make it over to your fair isle again at least once before leaving, but I'm not sure :( I get kicked out of my apartment on approximately June 14th, so i'll probably be leaving right around then, though I have vague ideas of coming to England for a bit after that before flying home. Idk. I will keep you posted!


iltaru March 10 2008, 00:39:40 UTC
Well... I'm not around on June 14th itself, but I am before and afterwards... :P It'd be awesome if you made it over. We could go to Stratford (my local town, hee) and stalk David Tennant? Letmeknow! :D


pushingyouaway March 7 2008, 18:32:08 UTC
i want to see stardust! yay crack!

...kind of makes me want to see what was up with a little ficlet drabble i found somewhere about frank being a fallen star and bob (or ray maybe) discovers him and it just seemed like it would be a really really good time

*cookies* have a great day!


anonymous March 8 2008, 00:24:12 UTC
OMG IT IS UR SIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I am SOOOOOO excited to see you! I miss you but i wont for long!!!


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