Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!

Mar 06, 2008 21:38

1. NEW X-FILES MOOOOVIE! BWEEEEE! The footage from Wondercon is fantastic - David and Gillian look radiant! (Scroll back through xfiles to see everything) I didn't manage to see the trailer when it was leaked, but I hope something will surface soon. I also saw spoilery shots from the set and all I can say is - EEEEE! :D

2. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS GOT PICKED UP FOR S3!!!!!! This is the best TV news possible - I was utterly convinced that 2x15 was the last episode ever, and while that wouldn't have been the WORST place to stop... I want moooore! And I'm gonna get iiiit! :D:D:D YAY MORE TAYLORS! And Timmy and Matt and Tyra and Landry and Smash and Street and EVERYONE! YAYE!

3. Torchwood was fun this week, but I kind of had issues with it. I wish I didn't hate the Powers That Be's favorite character (that is, Gwen) D: MOAR IANTO PLZ.

4. I just watched Stardust and... HAHAHAHA. So. Much. Crack! Though I must say, it improved in quality immensely when the main character stopped being a douchebag and got a makeover by a gay pirate that included sexy long hair, swashbuckling skills, and floofy sleeves. THUMBS UP! Claire Danes was darling once she stopped being a cranky biatch. And Michelle Pfeiffer was awesome. Robert De Niro... I have no words. WIN. One curiosity - IMDB tells me that David Walliams played one of the dead brothers, but I didn't recognize him at ALL. Which one was he??

5. Ummmm right, I have a real life that is not TV or movies! So tomorrow is the last day of term, which is actually depressing because this term has been fucking AMAZING. I love most of my classes, my schedule actually was really nice, I didn't have LAB so I had zero work to do except attending lectures and maybe studying occasionally, I was able to go out once or twice a week with my awesome friends, and it was just a really charmed period. Now I have March break, which is going to be INSANE but AMAZING (Bestie in a week! Daddy and sis after that! nebulein and Germany after that! Five birthday parties in the midst of all that! St Patrick's Day in Dublin! OMG!) but then I start... the last term. Which is short, and will be fraught with lab reports and frantic studying for the epic and terrifying end of year exams, which I am predicting means much less revelry and hanging out with my beautiful friends, and much more stress D: Oh dear. I don't wanna! And I don't wanna leave my city! Siiiigh. But! I have three weeks before that sets in, so I am going to enjoy it!


rl, movies, trinity, fnl, x-files, torchwood, friday night lights, dublin

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