SGA cast interviews!

Mar 28, 2007 10:02

I am in such a good mood this morning, guys! This is against all odds - I got four and a half hours of sleep last night (I need to learn to not do that! argh) and today is going to be super super busy. But! I decided (correctly) that it would be a good idea to start out my day right by going to the dining hall for breakfast. So I set my alarm a bit ( Read more... )

stargate atlantis, sga interviews, rl, stargate sg-1, videos, orgo, links, college

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Comments 13

ex_rogerpit March 28 2007, 14:31:56 UTC
I've been watching those clips on YouTube - I can't wait for Season 4 to get started. Season 3 left such a huge cliffhanger that I've been itching to see what happens next.


exsequar March 28 2007, 14:37:56 UTC
I'm not quite as impatient as I could be, because I got into the show so recently, that even though I've watched all the episodes, there's still so much for me to do - fic to read, interviews to read/watch, pictures to see, commentaries to listen to, episodes to REwatch... so I'm not bored or Atlantis deprived at all. The cliffhanger is a killer, it's true, and I'm super excited for S4, but I'm not bouncing out of my skin :)


ex_rogerpit March 28 2007, 14:50:15 UTC
I know what you mean. If I didn't have so much backlogged material to watch (24, Lost, Doctor Who) I don't know what I'd be doing. The new series of Doctor Who starts in a few days, so I'm looking forward to that.

I loved the interview with David - he invented a brand new word: snarktastic.


sorchasilver March 28 2007, 17:49:43 UTC
Oh, these are fantastic. Thanks for the links, I didn't know these existed.


exsequar March 28 2007, 20:40:35 UTC
You're very welcome! I had no idea either, until I happened to see one in the related links for another SGA vid I was watching :D


crystal_lily March 28 2007, 20:35:17 UTC
I was just listening to the commentary for Hide and Seek yesterday, which both Rachel and Paul were doing, and awwwwww. Rachel has the most beautiful voice ever, and Paul, heeee, it's so weird listening to him talk without the accent! He can just turn it on and off, it's so weird! :D AND HOT AS HELL. And they're just so cute, and she kept calling him Paulie. :D

Okay, gonna go watch these now. Thanks for the links!


exsequar March 28 2007, 20:39:59 UTC
Awww! I haven't watched any commentaries with them yet, and I totally need to! I bet they're adorable. And I must admit that I actually like Paul better than Beckett - he's just much more self confident, and I really like his own voice. Aww, Paulie :D Yes, definitely going to have to listen to that.

You're welcome! Have fun! I love David SO MUCH, omg. :D


crystal_lily March 28 2007, 21:25:54 UTC
I guess listening to a commentary done only by actors is not as interesting as listening to those done with also directors/writers, but they definitely make up for it in cuteness.

And seriously, I could just listen to Rachel talk for hours.


exsequar March 28 2007, 21:30:53 UTC
That's totally not the problem at all! It's just that I haven't gotten to listen to nearly all of them, and CLEARLY I went for the Joe-and-David ones first *g* I love the two of them together almost as much as I love Shep and McKay :D


thharwood March 28 2007, 23:27:55 UTC
Thanks for all the links! These guys are so adorable... =)


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