SGA cast interviews!

Mar 28, 2007 10:02

I am in such a good mood this morning, guys! This is against all odds - I got four and a half hours of sleep last night (I need to learn to not do that! argh) and today is going to be super super busy. But! I decided (correctly) that it would be a good idea to start out my day right by going to the dining hall for breakfast. So I set my alarm a bit earlier, and apparently that made my body go on some weird high alert and I woke up at 6:40 of my own volition. I know, what??? But anyway. So I got to have coffee and chocolate chip pancakes and sausage and REAL SCRAMBLED EGGS. They're usually powdered scrambled eggs on the weekends cause they have to make so many, but on weekday mornings they take the time to make some REAL eggs. Mmmmmmmmm. So that was very nice.

Then! My organic chemistry teacher ended class a half hour early! :O We had just finished up a big unit, and he was like "So I guess we'll stop there today!" and we all looked at eachother in confusion, kinda laughing a little cause of course he was kidding. I think he got a great kick out of our befuddlement :D And then he wasn't kidding! So THAT was nice. Of course, I had class at 9 anyway, but I came back to my room and just lay down for 20 minutes, so I think that gave me a little boost of energy.

Also, it's spring! \o/ I love wearing my flip flops again.

Aaaaand the really fun thing is that I found this long Stargate Atlantis special on Youtube. It's by a Vancouver talk show called Urban Rush, and this man and woman went on set for a day, interviewed the cast, walked around set seeing how things go. I haven't watched them all yet (there are SEVERAL ten minute clips on youtube) but I watched their interviews with David, Joe, and Torri. I LOVE THEM ALL OMG. The interviewers are really fun, so it's just a cool laid back conversation with the actors. David was hilarious and gracious, as usual, Joe stood with his hands on his hips looking sexy and gay as hell, and Torri is just the cutest giggly girl ever. I HEART HER and want to have slumber parties with her. She says "Cool as a cucumbah" and I die giggling. Joe complained again about the difficulties of doing a scifi show, which gets old, but I can tell he has a genuine affection for the show and especially the people he works with, so it balances out. There was an ADORABLE little clip of him poking fun at David and then bopping him gently on the cheek with a script he's holding! N'awwwww, BOYS.

ETA: Just watched Paul's and Rachel's. I have a love affair with EVERYONE ON THIS SHOW. *flail flail* They're all so funny and kind and personable! :D

Links to these clips (the rest of the show is in the related links sidebar, obviously. Looks like they've visited SG-1 too!):

David interview
Joe interview (Includes adorable teasing David clip)
Torri interview
Paul interview (pt 1) (In which Paul jokingly flirts with the male interviewer. TEEHEE!)
Paul interview (pt 2)
Rachel interview
Conclusion of the show, in which the guy interviewer, Mike, says "Thank you, Stargate Atlantis, for making me short and in shoes." *dies* I LOVE these two! Canadians really ARE the nice ones, eh? *g* And there's also a brief shot of Joe and David filming, and Joe CRACKS UP and doubles over with laughter, putting his hand essentially on David's... oh, just watch it. It's so CUTE. ♥
Christopher Judge and Michael Shanks interview, in which both of them have their DAUGHTERS ON THEIR LAPS. It's possibly the cutest thing I have EVER seen. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

I REALLY REALLY adore this cast.

stargate atlantis, sga interviews, rl, stargate sg-1, videos, orgo, links, college

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