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Comments 9

ex_rogerpit February 14 2007, 06:13:40 UTC
John is about as UNsubtle as they come. For all his protestations about "not being good with feelings", he knows how to let them show at times - like he did when they thought Rodney was going through Ascension.

I loved this episode, and I have to admit I hated it when Carson died. Like you, I knew it was going to happen at some point before the season ended, but still it was unexpected. He went out doing what he did best, though - saving lives.


exsequar February 14 2007, 06:26:07 UTC
You're very very right. He's like Dean Winchester in that way! Dean said "No chick flick moments, alright?" and that could totally have been something John Sheppard would say. And yet! They both have these extremely emotionally vulnerable times, where it just all comes out. John's a bit more mysterious and closed off than Dean, but that's mostly because we aren't given a close bond that he has with someone like Dean does with Sam. John and Rodney's close bond is mostly off screen, unfortunately! But yes, when Rodney was doing the Ascension, John was so destroyed, the poor darling.

Carson did go out with all his dignity, certainly. But it seemed so random - I wish he could have died for a bigger reason than this Watson guy. You know? Hm. I just wonder what kind of repercussions it'll have. SGA isn't huge on the emotional continuity.


huggenkiss February 14 2007, 09:33:25 UTC
I have been waiting for you to get up to this episode so I could have someone to go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at!

I have absolutely NO IDEA that Carson was going to die. None. I was watching it on the train to work and I had to stop RIGHT AS THE EXPLOSION HAPPENED! I had to wait 3 hours until my next break so I could see what happened after. I was mostly thinking "OMG, he's going to have SO many burns from that! I wonder how long his recovery is going to be... Maybe they'll just fast-forward a few weeks until he is mostly better again". The thought of him actually DYING crossed my mind a couple of times but I just dismissed it straight away. SGA wouldn't do that to me, would it?

When I finally got to see what happened after the explosion I CRIED IN THE LUNCH ROOM AT WORK! "Oh. Rodney's upset. 'Cause Carson's is injured and it's partly his fault for not going fishing. Huh. A lot of people are upset now. Who died? Not Carson. Can't be Carson. This episode is too lighthearted. They wouldn't do a funny semi-schmoopy day-in-the- ( ... )


exsequar February 14 2007, 12:05:51 UTC
*hands* Why do people ever apologize for commenting? That's what the comment function is THERE for! Silly love.

Awww! I wondered what it would have been like to watch it without knowing! I bet I would have reacted similarly - much more HUH?? NO WAY! I didn't have a huge emotional attachment to Carson, so it wouldn't have totally gutted me, but still. I definitely wouldn't have expected SGA to do that, especially in a nonfinale episode! Crazycakes.

You poor love! *snuggles you*


fledmusic February 14 2007, 16:46:27 UTC
Don't forget about....EXPLODING TUMORS!!!!!!!!!!1

*headdesk* Seriously...

John was you know, trying to cover up the fact that he and Rodney are boyfriends, but I can imagine him thinking they're being all stealthy, and then Ronon being like, "Everyone knows," and John saying, "Well...I don't know if everyone-" and Ronon interuppting, "No, everyone," and John being super super surprised. Heheeee.

And man, I don't want to even get into the whole "Carson is Rodney's best friend thing," because it makes me mad and I don't feel like getting worked up right now...but needless to say...yeah, that's kind of not true at all. Argh.

John's dress blues were hot, on a happier note!


exsequar February 14 2007, 16:56:12 UTC
Oh my god, I'm crying with laughter. I need to see that conversation between Ronon and John! Ronon just all deadpan, matter of fact, "No, everyone." And John just all flustered and trying to pass it off in the John Sheppard way and omg, it would be HILARIOUS. Heeeeeee.

Also, I love how when John said "Or a man." his eyes kind of slid over to Ronon like he was checking how Ronon felt about that. Sort of doing a test run for what Ronon's reaction would be if John told him about Rodney. Hee! Oh JOHN.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt that way about Carson and Rodney. Oy.

Yes! Very hot indeed! And I am so terrible, but I couldn't help noticing that as John and Rodney picked up the coffin, they shared a Significant Glance. I kind of want melancholy, comforting porn set on Earth during that time.


fledmusic February 14 2007, 17:34:22 UTC
Yes, that's EXACTLY the way I pictured Ronon saying it! Maybe that's because it's the way Ronon says everything, but I just have the clearest picture in my head.

And then I had this image of John going to Rodney in the lab or something and trying to whisper, like "Did you know everyone knows????" And Rodney would be like, "What? How could everyone know? I thought we were being quite stealthy!" and then Zelenka would appear out of nowhere and be like, "I can hear every word you are saying right now, if that is any indication of this 'stealth'."

They're such dorks, seriously. It's so cute.

Yeah John's "Or a man" was so great. He seemed kinda disappointed when Ronon said no, too. John and Ronon have such mancrushes on each other, it's adorable.

And I am so terrible, but I couldn't help noticing that as John and Rodney picked up the coffin, they shared a Significant Glance.

Don't feel terrible, it was very obvious! I second the comforting porn statement. Always a good idea.


crystal_lily February 14 2007, 17:35:56 UTC
John is SUCH a slasher. Just you wait for the finale. :D

I *loved* Elizabeth's date! I'm pretty sure we're never going to see him again, but a girl can hope. :D Maybe he'll pop up somewhere in the future, it's possible. :D

Rodney was all 'we're barely considered a couple anymore' (or something like that) and in my head I thought 'THAT'S CAUSE YOU'RE NOT!'. Lol, Katie is kind of adorable, but seriously their interaction is not that of a couple. As opposed to, you know, Rodney's interaction with a certain someone else. :D

LORNE PAINTS. He's just made of awesome.

But really, this episode broke me. I knew Carson was going to die, I knew that's how he was leaving... from that moment he started operating on that guy it became pretty obvious. And I was crying for about 5 minutes straight when he died... Never in my life has a TV show got me so emotional... (I think the closest thing to that was The Lone Gunman in Jump the Shark, got me pretty teary).

Anyway, yes. I loved this episode.


mona1347 February 15 2007, 02:13:57 UTC
This episode is the awesome concentrate that they make awesome out of.


Yeah, it's weeks later and I still got nothing. I just...can't even.


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