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Feb 14, 2007 00:44

SGA 3x17 Sunday

You know that symbol of drama, the two masks, one laughing and one crying? THAT'S HOW I FEEL! The first half of this episode was like HEEEEEEEE! over and over. And then, AND THEN! *sobs*

I knew Carson was leaving the show. But for some reason, I had gotten this funny notion in my head that it was some way other than dying. So I was all expecting a peaceful departure. But then - KABOOM! *sniffles*

The Rodney-and-Carson as best friends thing threw me, though. I never got that vibe off of them, so it seemed a bit contrived, forced, to give someone to focus the aftermath of Carson's death on. This show is so much of an ensemble that, given anyone's death, the grief should really be shared among all, and it felt weird to elevate Rodney's pain over the others. (The exception is, of course, John and Rodney. When Rodney was dying, John was CLEARLY the most distraught. As he should have been.) But that's just a quibble.

Goodbye Carson. You will be dearly missed. *sniffle*

As for the beginning - John and Ronon's conversation was the BEST, omg. "You dating someone?" "You mean like a woman?" "Or a man." HEEHEE. And John's "There's just no one here..." and he's all shifty eyed and OH JOHN, you are SO UNSUBTLE. I love :D

(Other than that, though, this ep was McShep lite. Boo. Ah well, there was plenty to distract me!)

I also loved Elizabeth's date! He was super hot, a bit cocky, but in a charming way. They were adorable together. I hope we see more of him (but I think I've gathered that we don't?).

Ronon hitting the golf ball one handed was HOT LIKE FIRE. And then John tried to do it and FAILED! Heeeeee. And then the one legged fighting! Oh god. Those two are just priceless :D:D

Katie Brown is simply made of adorable. She works perfectly for Rodney. And I was so amused when she said she likes him a lot, and his response was exactly what I expected: "That... baffles me." Oh, Rodney! *snuggles him* The darling.

Speaking of Rodney, he has the best bedhead EVER.

I loved Zelenka's bit with the chess. And Major Lorne PAINTS! I love a sensitive man! *crushes on Lorne like whoa*

What an episode. Geez. Polar extremes much? Pretty nifty move on the part of the writers, and it would have been even more powerful if I hadn't known in advance that Carson was gonna exit in some way.

Only 3 left to watch! *woes*

stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga

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