
Jul 07, 2006 15:30

Today's been a mindnumbingly boring day at work. Although I did receive three packages, with different things I'd ordered for the next experiment I'm trying, so that was cool. One of them came in dried ice, so I got to dump it in the sink and pour water on it and play with the mist! \o/

In other news:

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internship msu, btvs, random, vg, cousins

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Comments 5

lightly July 7 2006, 19:43:45 UTC
I just commented for you!


exsequar July 7 2006, 19:44:31 UTC
Whee, thanks! ♥


razorbladefaery July 7 2006, 20:05:27 UTC
I'll comment for you. Immediately after I post this! Go icons!


exsequar July 7 2006, 20:06:32 UTC
Thanks! I'll return the favor :)


concise July 7 2006, 20:33:28 UTC
Done. :)


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