(no subject)

Jul 07, 2006 15:30

Today's been a mindnumbingly boring day at work. Although I did receive three packages, with different things I'd ordered for the next experiment I'm trying, so that was cool. One of them came in dried ice, so I got to dump it in the sink and pour water on it and play with the mist! \o/

In other news:

Comment in echoicons to this post with my username and I will get an icon as a reward!

Pretty please? :D

I got the max number of comments - thanks guys!

Tonight I get to watch more of Buffy S3 (Bad Girls is up soon, SCORE) and possibly Velvet Goldmine with Meg! Yay! It's been altogether too long since I've seen that movie. Like, 3 MONTHS! *gasp* Absolutely uncool. So. That will be fun! :)

Gosh I love this icon.

And gosh I have nothing to say. Shutting up now!

internship msu, btvs, random, vg, cousins

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