Wherein I ramble about Winchesters and vidding and stuff, because I am bored at work

Jun 09, 2006 15:31

So here I sit, with an entire hour to kill before I can go downstairs and read for 20 minutes before Jeff gets here. I'm trying very hard not to feel guilty about LJing and reading fic while on the clock. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually ( Read more... )

internship msu, vidding, meta, winchestercon, supernatural

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Comments 5

tallisen June 9 2006, 23:37:58 UTC
I would like you to vid that. Oh yes. Very much. *nudge* *nudge*


the5thmarauder June 10 2006, 13:55:08 UTC
I love you.



exsequar June 10 2006, 17:05:32 UTC
Well shucks. I kind of love you too ;)



ringwench June 10 2006, 19:12:37 UTC
OMG you MUST vid House Rules! That would rock like a rocking thing ;-)

And I'm uber-excited about your "Blind" vid, so I really hope you're able to get it done soon too! Don't you just love when you find that PERFECT song and the mere idea of vidding it just makes you squee?

I'm in the process of planning my first Wincest vid at the moment (Eeeee!) so I definitely get where you're coming from in terms of analyzing the boys relationship to death.


nebulein June 11 2006, 18:06:31 UTC
ah, boys ♥

You definitely should do House Rules!


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