Wherein I ramble about Winchesters and vidding and stuff, because I am bored at work

Jun 09, 2006 15:31

So here I sit, with an entire hour to kill before I can go downstairs and read for 20 minutes before Jeff gets here. I'm trying very hard not to feel guilty about LJing and reading fic while on the clock. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually :)

I've watched up to Hell House with my cousins. Last night, before we watched HH, they had both taken a victory shot (I think because Meg listed some new items for sale on her online yarn store - right Meg?) so Meg was kind of giggly, and it's a giggly episode anyway, so that was highly amusing. That episode is just so much fun. It gives us a chance to see the boys just being boys, and it highlights that they are, slowly but surely, learning how their puzzle pieces fit. In the beginning, they clash more often then not - now it's becoming more of a comfortable harmony, a relationship with mutual respect and affection. This is not to say, by any means, that they've solved their issues - Dean is still clearly terrified that Sam's gonna leave (that's just gotta bother him all the time, buzzing at the edge of his consciousness... oh, Dean) and Sam still resents it all, but at the same time is deeply committed to revenging Jess's (and Mary's) death. So, they're not pretty or clean puzzle pieces by any means, but they're getting there.

Oh, there I go again! I start talking about these boys and I just can't seem to shut up. It's worse than usual right now because I've got this vid on the brain, and I'm constantly in that analytical headspace, specifically with regards to how the boys relate to each other. There are some really priceless lines in the song that I'm looking forward to vidding... these include "remain your funny valentine," "I'd freeze us both in time," "your eyes forever glued to mine," "fill your every breath with meaning," and of course, "if I could tear you from the ceiling." It's just such a RICH, textured song that I can take so many different directions, and that is DEEPLY exciting.

And still on the vidding topic, I was listening to House Rules, and I've always thought there should be a SPN vid to that because HELLO, so I started trying to watch the vid in my head (does that make any sense? I mean trying to envision specific moments working with the song both in terms of words and rhythm, to see if the *feel* of the song is right at all) and omg. That would make the best vid EVER. So I really want to do that eventually as well. I hope this other one goes relatively apace (that is, I hope that 1) I'm not a big boob and let it sit around like I did with the Faith one, and 2) Premiere decides to cooperate on a regular basis) and that I get it finished in time for Wincon, because I'd love to be able to show it there and get real live feedback from fellow fans. That's gonna be my motivating force, I think.

That's enough rambling for now. Off to read some fic! \o/

internship msu, vidding, meta, winchestercon, supernatural

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