(no subject)

Jun 09, 2006 00:12

Huh, it's funny how life works out sometimes. You know how I said I bought X-Files season three a few days ago? Someone linked to Amazon where they now have a lot of sci-fi shows on sale for HALF OFF. So I was pissed because I spent more than I had to, and went to see if I could cancel the order. And it wasn't there! So I did some checking and apparently I never made the order! I must have got to the final page and never hit confirm! SO weird.

So now I need to decide - Angel season 2 (LINDSEY) or X-Files? *ponders deeply* This is an important decision, my friends!

Anyway, the sale is here: Buffy and Angel and X-Files and Dark Angel and Roswell and Firefly and more! Go!

(I think I'm going for Angel - I just can't resist the Kane, you know?)

random, angel, x-files

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