If You Will Go With Me [Masterpost]

Jun 13, 2011 23:15

Title: If You Will Go With Me
Author: exmanhater
Pairing: Jo/OFC, Jo & Anna friendship
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: spoilers (highlight to read) violence on a level with the show, permanent character death (if you need more specifics, please PM me and I'll be happy to elaborate)
Spoilers: canon-compliant up through 5.04, after which it veers wildly and uses bits and pieces of the rest of season five in a decidedly non-canon-compliant way.
Word count: 30,108
Summary: Jo Harvelle has always wanted more excitement and adventure in her life, but when she begins to have eerie visions and angelic visitations, she's not exactly sure how to be the big gun people keep expecting her to become. Figuring out how to balance Winchesters, angels and a demon with a grudge isn't easy, but she's never backed down from a challenge before, and she's not about to start now.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in this story, and will not profit from it.

Author's notes: This is essentially a Jo-centric season five, and started out as a cracky little fic where Jo actually turns out to be the real "righteous man" and goes around with a bunch of angels with female vessels kicking apocalyptic ass. Obviously, it turned into much more than that, I hope in a successful way. Huge thanks to jesterlady for the beta, and all her encouragement, and to wendy and thehighwaywoman for running this challenge each year.

If you need a visual reference for the character of Lorael, please check out kansascshuffle's awesome art, if you haven't already. As I was writing, I pictured Lorael as the secret love child of Rehka Sharma and Claudia Black, and I think she did an amazing job of bringing that mental image to life.

You can also read this story at Dreamwidth or the AO3 (where you can download a .pdf or other mobile format)

Masterpost | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Soundtrack | Art

genre: femslash, rating: nc-17, character: dean winchester, pairing: jo/ofc, character: sam winchester, fandom: spn

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