So this piece was an alternative to section 2 (In His Own Med Bay) from
A Prize for Good Behavior because the original one I'd written (the one I wound up keeping in the fic) had enough similarities to the +1 section (In His Own Damn Med Bay) that it might throw a reader off. I worried that it lost impact because of the similarities. I also worried that McCoy's sarcasm and continual putting off of Chapel would go against the "being a good patient" theme of this part of the fic too.
I didn't want to lose out on having Christine Chapel in there somewhere being perceptive and supportive (or kickass and take-no-prisoners, as above), so I wrote this as a possible alternative.
Leonard sighed and rubbed a hand across his eyes. Over the course of the morning the headache that had started as a mild thrum behind one eye had bloomed into a full-blown searing pain that throbbed in his skull. At least it was a distraction from his sore throat.
The lack of activity in medical that day was a relief, but even the task of updating inventory was draining Leonard's limited energy.
He was constantly exposed to more weird alien, and otherwise, diseases in a week than most earthbound physicians would see in a lifetime and yet he was gonna be laid out by a simple head cold. Figures.
He started when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and turned to find a concerned Christine Chapel examining his expression.
″I can finish up in here, Leonard. Why don't you take a pain blocker and get a couple hours' rest?″
Leonard considered offering a token resistance but gave it up for a lost cause. She was not only persistent, but she was also right. ″Thanks, Christine, I'll do that.″ Leonard cocked his head to the side for the hypo she'd already prepared and allowed her to escort him to the corridor, knowing he would balk at the suggestion of lying down on one of the biobeds in his own Med Bay.
By the time he turned down his bed covers he could already feel the pressure in his skull releasing slightly and spared his last waking thoughts on appreciation for his staff.
In the end, the original section 2 was a lot more fun to write and reread and it had more impact on the story, I feel, both for Bones himself and for beginning to hint at Bones & Spock having something going on, even if it kinda reads as preslash at this point. So with the help of my friendly, lovely beta I kept it that way and poor McCoy and Chapel snippet got tossed. Until now, that is.
I have nothing else to offer fandom-wise at the moment, so I thought I'd toss it out there.
I wrote a silly, easter(ish) themed ficlet for the kinkmeme, but haven't decided if I'll post it yet. It's fairly ridiculous, but perhaps I should archive here for the heck of it. Hmmm.