It is possible that I am developing a crush on Finbarr Clancy from The High Kings.
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In other news, I spent 6.5 hours today prepping for and talking with local high schoolers for a career day hosted by my workplace. I spent very nearly all of it on my feet, in what turned out to be extremely uncomfortable shoes. Then for the remainder of the workday I did my actual job. Still in those damn shoes. Woe.
And now I have several days off. Woo!
Also, I finally saw Sherlock Holmes. I have to say it wasn't quite what I'd expected, though if you asked me what I did expect I really don't know what to say. I liked it though, and had fun watching. I'm planning on seeing it again at some point when I'm less exhausted (I watched it last night after a long shift), I just need to decide if I'll rent it or buy it.