1st Excuse [audio // common]

Apr 19, 2010 06:40

Uuugh. What the heck just happened?

[He rubs the back of his head as he looks around the room.]

Huh. This sure doesn't look like Ganon's Evil Jar. Doesn't look like anywhere in the Underworld at all, for that matter. Oh, hey, what's this thing?

[Tap tap tap-]


[Another few experimental taps.]Cool! I can write without actually writing! Let ( Read more... )

magical items, excuuuse me ganon, rescuer of damsels in distress, oh boy smooching time, i'm a hero not a scholar, professional hero, excuuuse me princess

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Comments 98

this is going to be good ALSO VOICE 8D scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 11:43:58 UTC
I beg your pardon, did you say 'Link'?


omg epic win excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 11:52:57 UTC
No, no I didn't. I wrote that. How did you-

Oooh, I get it! The magic tablet sent that message to you! Wow, that's really useful!

Unless... you are the magic tablet?


|D scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 12:00:36 UTC
[Zelda isn't sure what to make of this.]

I am no tablet. I am Zelda, Princess of Hyrule. What you are holding is a comunication device. It connects you to every passenger aboard this vessel, the MS Elegante.


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 12:08:54 UTC
[Oh boy, you just said the magic words. Link's face lights up.]

Oh, hey, Princess! Didn't recognize your voice there. You coming down with a cold? You sound a little funny.


How'd we end up on a boat? Wait, Ganon didn't zap you, too, did he?


destinedtorule April 19 2010, 19:38:15 UTC

Ganondorf hears a variation of his name so he's decided to investigate this channel. But after listening to this guy talk, Ganondorf doesn't even bother to hold it back.

He just let's out a nice long laugh.]


excuuusemehero April 20 2010, 00:30:20 UTC
Eh? Did someone tell a joke?

[Nope, no recognition of Ganondorf's voice.]


meinxxherz April 19 2010, 20:11:11 UTC
Do you...know Link or--?

I--I mean, you're--

E-Everyone can--c-can--can read whatever you send.

Look, nevermind, y--you--you need to be careful. Stay in--i-in your room. This boat isn't safe, trust me.


excuuusemehero April 20 2010, 00:34:14 UTC
'Course I know Link. I am Link. And don't worry about me, mister. I'm a hero! I face danger aaaall the time.

[Tappy tap tap.

Text: So you can read this to?]


meinxxherz April 20 2010, 03:04:06 UTC
No, I--I'm sorry, Link, this--

I-It's not like your stuff back--back home. I-I know you don't have your sword and--

Just...believe me, fighting...w-what's dangerous in the ship ri-ight now will only make things worse. There's a little girl walking a--a-around. Her name's Jennifer and we all have to stay away from her.

[He sounds very stern on this.]

Stay off deck ten a---a-and decks 13 and 20. Don't linger i-in the buffet when you go to food--that's on deck 4. There, uh--I-I dunno if you know what sushi is, but it's on the top deck. The bears serving it a--a-are, uhm, trained so they're safe. Don't hurt 'em.

If--i-if you do meet Jennifer, don't attack her. That--th-that's orders from the crew and--a-and the crew might not tell us a lot, but what they do is always in our best interest and--a--and the truth. Trust me on that, I-I've been here for months.

[Though some of it's beginning to get hazy--freaking library books.]


excuuusemehero April 20 2010, 03:15:00 UTC
Why would I be afraid of a little girl?

I don't think you understand, mister. I'm a professional hero. I can take care of myself just fine even without my sword.

It's just a little more work.


electroniccrane April 19 2010, 22:08:58 UTC
[Oh lord, another Link. Is there some kind of Links Я Us where Redd is getting them all?]




excuuusemehero April 20 2010, 00:36:42 UTC
[The response startles Link at first, but then he grins when he sees what it says.]

See, even the magic tablet agrees!


electroniccrane April 20 2010, 00:40:19 UTC
That's an optimistic interpretation.

[This Link sounds too young for her to really come down on him for idiocy.]


excuuusemehero April 20 2010, 00:57:38 UTC
Nope, just the truth!

Hey, how'd you know what the magic tablet said?

[He hasn't quite figured out that the device can transmit text both ways. The Major's the first person to actually text him back.]


Text unamvirtus April 20 2010, 10:50:36 UTC

Link? Hero?





Text excuuusemehero April 20 2010, 12:03:22 UTC
[Good thing Major Motoko explained how this thing works, or he'd think it was the magic tablet talking to him again. Well, writing.

Just for kicks, and because the idea of being able to write without a quill or anything in his hand is still novel to him, he types back a response.]

hi! Whos' this?


Text unamvirtus April 20 2010, 12:11:44 UTC
[Well Mr. Link, you're not theo nly person who thought the magic tablet was talking to them. Maybe they do have something in common after all?

Except Mr. Link seems to know how to type a bit better.]


who arre you?/


Text excuuusemehero April 20 2010, 22:58:14 UTC
[That response gets a headscratch from Link before he responds back, just a little bit confused.]

You just ansered your own question. I'm Link. why are you asking again?

[He's not going to say anything about the other's typing ability. Why bother? Spelling and grammar aren't all that important to him and are kind of boring subjects anyway.]


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