1st Excuse [audio // common]

Apr 19, 2010 06:40

Uuugh. What the heck just happened?

[He rubs the back of his head as he looks around the room.]

Huh. This sure doesn't look like Ganon's Evil Jar. Doesn't look like anywhere in the Underworld at all, for that matter. Oh, hey, what's this thing?

[Tap tap tap-]


[Another few experimental taps.]Cool! I can write without actually writing! Let ( Read more... )

magical items, excuuuse me ganon, rescuer of damsels in distress, oh boy smooching time, i'm a hero not a scholar, professional hero, excuuuse me princess

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this is going to be good ALSO VOICE 8D scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 11:43:58 UTC
I beg your pardon, did you say 'Link'?


omg epic win excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 11:52:57 UTC
No, no I didn't. I wrote that. How did you-

Oooh, I get it! The magic tablet sent that message to you! Wow, that's really useful!

Unless... you are the magic tablet?


|D scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 12:00:36 UTC
[Zelda isn't sure what to make of this.]

I am no tablet. I am Zelda, Princess of Hyrule. What you are holding is a comunication device. It connects you to every passenger aboard this vessel, the MS Elegante.


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 12:08:54 UTC
[Oh boy, you just said the magic words. Link's face lights up.]

Oh, hey, Princess! Didn't recognize your voice there. You coming down with a cold? You sound a little funny.


How'd we end up on a boat? Wait, Ganon didn't zap you, too, did he?


scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 12:14:13 UTC
I...am quite well. [Though she's beginning to think that her sanity has escaped her.]

As far as the 'how's' of all this, I am not altogether certain. There are those abord that will say we have been 'saved', and brought here because our homes have been destroyed. It is difficult to seperate truth from lies.

What I do know is that our destination is a place called 'The Golden Shore'.


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 12:19:54 UTC
[Link has that effect on people.]

What? No way! No one destroys Hyrule while I'm around. It's gotta be one of Ganon's evil tricks.

[A pause, then suddenly his voice becomes sly.]

Or is this just an excuse to go on a cruise with me? Aw, Princess, you could've just asked. I'd've said yes in a heartbeat!


scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 12:24:26 UTC
Normally, I would be inclined to agree with you, but since Ganondorf is on board and in the same predicament as we are, I sincerely doubt it it his doing.



[It isn't often Zelda is rendered speechless.]

I think perhaps you have me confused with your own Zelda.


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 12:32:19 UTC
Uhh, I think you're forgetting one little thing, Zelda. It was Ganon's zap that brought me here in the first place. It's either his fault or that wand of his. If he's here, too, maybe it backfired on him somehow.

[And that makes absolutely no sense, Zelda. If anyone's confused, it must be you. Well, all right, who wouldn't be a little bit dazzled when talking to Link? He can forgive you for that.]

Nah, I feel just fine. Say, where ya at, Princess?

[There's a sound of a door opening as Link pokes his head out of his room, looking left and right]


scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 12:47:14 UTC
...Wand? [His Ganondorf has a wand? She's hit with an absolutely absurd urge to laugh. She fights it back.] The crew and the ship's captain are the reason we are here.

[He continues to catch Zelda off guard.]

In..my room. On deck seven. [She rattles off a room number.

Why she's giving it to him, she's not sure. Probably because he's a hero.]


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 12:56:07 UTC
[She's inviting him to her room. THIS CAN MEAN ONLY ONE THING!

Oh boy, smooching time!]

On my way, Zelda!


Wait, where is deck seven?]

Uh... I just came out of a room with the number 8251. Do I go up the stairs or down?


scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 13:01:37 UTC
[He sounds far to excited about this. She's hit now with a feeling of dread. What has she done?]

You will need to take the stairs down. Be careful - the decks are dangerous right now.


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 13:10:15 UTC
I'm a dangerous kind of guy myself. Professional hero, remember? Trust me, moblins and stalfos run whenever they see me coming.

[Awfully cocky, isn't he?

Let's see... Stairs, stairs- oh, there we go. Down he goes, pausing at the first flight to take a look at deck six. Huh. Weird decorations. On to deck seven!]

Besides, don't worry. I have my swo- huh? Hey! What happened to my sword?!


scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 13:24:14 UTC
Of course. [Her expression grows more perplexed. This is by far the most...outspoken hero she has ever met. Ever.]

All weapons were confiscated upon arrival. I am without my bow. [She knows how frustrating it is to be weaponless, though she is anything but defenseless.]


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 13:34:34 UTC
Well, whoever took them needs to give them back! A hero needs weapons to fight evil with!

Not that I can't fight without a sword, but it sure does make my job a lot easier.


[He pauses to rummage through his belt pouch, but no, there's no weapons there, either.]

Darn it. Well, at least I still have my shield.


scionofwisdom April 19 2010, 13:44:14 UTC
They say upon arrival at the Golden Shore, we will receive our things back. [Though Nayru only knew when that would be. She had already been here so long.]

Well, that is certainly better than nothing.


excuuusemehero April 19 2010, 13:51:23 UTC
What about the Triforce?

[Hey look, a moment of seriousness that isn't about a complaint.

He continues down the hall, checking the room numbers as he goes, stopping only once he reaches the door with the number Zelda gave. He dusts himself off, straightens his clothes a bit, then puts on his best smile.

Knock knock.]

Oh, Princess~ Your knight in shining armor is here~


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