Dec 17, 2009 23:46

Who: exaudio, beatsupboys, perpetualfrown, in_a_dark_wood, soulgivenlight, underthesakura, notquitecap AND pagesniffer WHO IS AWESOME
Where: Forest, city outskirts
When: December 17th
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After several obscure transmissions, it's been revealed that there's someone out there who needs help. But who is she? And why was she headed for Discedo?
the log: ( The final generation of a civilization )

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Comments 27

underthesakura December 18 2009, 06:39:46 UTC
The girl (woman?) that had been making the indistinct posts on the network had drawn Seishirou's curiosity. He hadn't attempted to contact her, but he'd seen her posts and stalked them curiously, and when the girl in question never attempted to communicate with the residents that contacted her his curiosity had only grown. He'd only been in the city for a little over six months, but he'd never even heard of someone showing up and remaining out of contact with the rest of the city, and never mind showing up with a car that was alleged to function. Even Dio and Vanilla Ice still spoke the the other city residents, and he didn't think anyone in the city has any sort of vehicle ( ... )


in_a_dark_wood December 18 2009, 07:57:14 UTC
It hadn't taken any thought on Dante's part. The moment he heard the strange cry over the communicator he knew he had to get to the bottom of it.

The forest seemed a likely place to start. For one, it was the most accessible, and for another he had journeyed into it enough times to recognize some of the landmarks. It was not a safe place, but then neither was home. In many ways, being surrounded by things that wanted to eat him gave the young half-devil a sense of peace. At least it was familiar.

So it was that he slashed his way through the undergrowth with comfortable ease, his keen ears constantly listening for anything sounded human.

"She's probably out here somewhere," Dante called back over his shoulder to Trish. "See anything yet, babe?"

Up ahead the quiet was shattered by the crack of gun fire and birds flew away from the canopies of the trees.

"That's gotta be her now, or else something got its hands on a fire arm. Come on, Trish, let's check it out."

He pushed ahead to the source of the noise...


soulgivenlight December 18 2009, 08:15:28 UTC
Trish hadn't been able to watch the half-devil walk out of the door without her. It had been a while since they'd worked together on a job and despite Trish's trepidations about her missing powers she actually found herself looking forward to the trek out into the woods as they neared them. She'd never quite felt this way before; her heartbeat quickening, the rush of the adrenaline. Sure, she'd been hyped up on battle before but this time felt different somehow. More...human ( ... )


perpetualfrown December 18 2009, 18:26:26 UTC
It wasn't out of worry; he's not nearly that kind. At least, so he says to himself, staring up at the trees as he stood at the edge of the forest. Ren wanted to know what she had been talking about, if anything. Yeah, that was it.

He isn't going outright soft over some stranger who needed help, just like the rest of the people in the city.

Giving a sigh and rolling his eyes finally, Ren took a look down at the ground, waiting for Bason. He had asked him to scout ahead and tell him if he found anything; a tactic for finding people they've used for as long as they've worked together. Soon, he hoped, he'd start seeing writing in the dirt again. This method would work faster if he had his chip out and they could simply talk, but with the location being unknown, Ren would just have to deal with it ( ... )


notquitecap December 18 2009, 18:58:15 UTC
He had been watching the networks. After Nate left, there was nothing else to do other than watch and wait, and maybe do something productive. No, he didn't have a team anymore, but Cap had always been able to fly solo when he needed to, right? (Right?) His grandfather had always flown solo, and Eli was kicking himself thinking about how much better he would have done in this same situation. He would have turned this city around; he would have been a hero by now.

So when this girl - young woman - had made a couple unusual posts to the network followed by a distress call, Eli was determined to go out and do something, to be a hero, even if no one knew about it. He just wanted to feel like his grandfather, the first Captain America, would be proud of him ( ... )


y'all forgot this guy in the label, yo pagesniffer December 18 2009, 19:06:13 UTC
The forest hadn't been his first choice of search locale; though, naturally it had ranked higher than the direction of the water or underground -- the city itself, on the other hand... the originator of the mysterious transmission did not seem to have reached the city proper before she was unceremoniously ambushed, but it never hurt to be sure ( ... )


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