I'm not sure "enjoying" is the right word. This episode was not as bad as the pilot. It makes me feel better about never watching Lost, if they're AT ALL similar in quality. And I thought the guys at the end were more clone hyper-aging super soldiers.
I think Lost is vastly better than Fringe, or at least it started off better. Going into Lost, it was easy to see how it could definitely go off the rails - if they hadn't announced a definitive end I'd have given up.
We watched the first Fringe, but I won't get around to this week's until probably tomorrow. So I am studiously not reading your post, not that I give a shit, just that I know that if I read it, then I won't have any compelling reason to actually what the show. Since it's already kind of crappy, or was last week.
I didn't really say much about the episode...but now you've seen it anyway. Since it's on right after House it's pretty easy for me to watch for a few more weeks to see how it goes.
At the moment, T and I are still giving Fringe a shot. I mean I spent 4 hours of my life watching Primeval before I figured out I was wasting my time. Maybe it'll be good pulpy fun. Maybe it'll be utter tripe. I've had my faith in JJ Abrams shaken by Cloverfield and now believe that eveything good in Lost comes from Lieber, Cuse, and Lindelof. That said, I haven't yet seen anything that makes me fel like I'm wasting my time.
John Noble does crazy well.
T and I thought the last shot was of three Pacey clones, given the little bandinage in the last scene between Denethor and that poor-man's Cate Blanchett.
T and I thought the last shot was of three Pacey clones, given the little bandinage in the last scene between Denethor and that poor-man's Cate Blanchett.
Okay, yeah, I could definitely see that. Makes sense. And, hee! Poor-man's Cate Blanchett! Except...Cate Blanchett can actually act.
Loved House. Fringe ... well, two strikes so far, but I'll give it one more week before writing it off. I find that I don't care about the characters, what passes for plot or "science." It's all just incredibly boring to me (and starting off an episode with a half-naked woman screaming at the top of her lungs for 2+ minutes or so was a major turnoff, really).
See, I think Fringe is fun, at least so far, except for the eyeball trauma which I managed to forget about for days. I am excited for where this season can go, on House.
Gack - I *hated* Primeval. Luckily I only wasted an hour on it before realizing it was crap. I do like Fringe. I do not have any high expectations, nor am I comparing it to X-Files. It just seems like an enjoyable show. That's what I want.
Whoah to House. Those were some deeply buried feelings coming out from Wilson. I think I was as stunned as House looked. I agree, it's about time. But not because I think that House will change or I think Wilson is doing it to jolt him. I think Wilson is doing what he has to do to move on after losing Amber and the realization that perhaps this relationship with House is not *good* for him is part of it. I'd rather he did that than all these shenanigans (heh) they usually do where they try to change House. That won't work. Trying to change someone else never works. Changing yourself is what you can control. I'd like to see him do that and maybe come to the realization that his friendship with House is what it is. If he can deal with it the way it is, fine. If not, then yeah, break
( ... )
I applaud the writers for taking the scene to that level. I only hope they continue on as well as they started.
Oh, me too! That was good stuff. And you make an excellent point about characters on the show changing themselves instead of trying to change House. Maybe that's how the show will ultimately end - House figuring out that maybe he does need help.
I was glad, the first week, that Fringe set up and knocked down some X-Files parallels right away - they put it out there that they were aware, but not trying to be the same. The credits owe a LOT to the X-Files, though.
Comments 14
John Noble does crazy well.
T and I thought the last shot was of three Pacey clones, given the little bandinage in the last scene between Denethor and that poor-man's Cate Blanchett.
Okay, yeah, I could definitely see that. Makes sense. And, hee! Poor-man's Cate Blanchett! Except...Cate Blanchett can actually act.
Whoah to House. Those were some deeply buried feelings coming out from Wilson. I think I was as stunned as House looked. I agree, it's about time. But not because I think that House will change or I think Wilson is doing it to jolt him. I think Wilson is doing what he has to do to move on after losing Amber and the realization that perhaps this relationship with House is not *good* for him is part of it. I'd rather he did that than all these shenanigans (heh) they usually do where they try to change House. That won't work. Trying to change someone else never works. Changing yourself is what you can control. I'd like to see him do that and maybe come to the realization that his friendship with House is what it is. If he can deal with it the way it is, fine. If not, then yeah, break ( ... )
Oh, me too! That was good stuff. And you make an excellent point about characters on the show changing themselves instead of trying to change House. Maybe that's how the show will ultimately end - House figuring out that maybe he does need help.
I was glad, the first week, that Fringe set up and knocked down some X-Files parallels right away - they put it out there that they were aware, but not trying to be the same. The credits owe a LOT to the X-Files, though.
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